The one that got away | Teen Ink

The one that got away

October 17, 2013
By Abdullah Assaf BRONZE, Homer Glen, Illinois
Abdullah Assaf BRONZE, Homer Glen, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I was sitting down on the brown and white wooden chair staring at it. It was green and red and loved to chew up mcdonalds sized toys. My bird was just waiting there as if waiting for something to happen and I just a bored 8 year old boy waited. We had just got the bird and I was so excited. I didn’t know much about birds but this one caught my attention.

“Abdullah come clean up your room,” My mother ordered.
I didn't listen at first I was too interested in the bird.
“Abdullah Listen to your mother,” My father commanded.
This time I listened, but while I was cleaning I kept wanting to go back to the bird and just study it learn what made it so calm. Then I know at that instant i loved that bird!
The Next Day I went to school and I was very happy and surprised when I learned what we were going to do that day.
Our teacher told us, “Today class we will be participating in a little thing I like to call The Share Game. The way you play is you share about one thing that makes you happy but it couldn't be a family member or friend,” My teacher Announced.

I quickly raised my hand and said I would like to go first. My teacher nodded. The whole class was looking at me like I was a deer and they were the hunter. I began by saying that one thing that I loved was my pet bird. I continued by saying it is always so calm and it always knows how to make you smile.

“Good Job Abdullah anyone else want a turn,” My teacher complemented.

As I listened to the rest of the stories all I could think about was that bird what was it going to do tonight. When i returned home I finished my homework. Afterwards I pulled over a chair and began to watch the bird again. The food we gave him in the morning was almost gone and so was the water. There was one thing that surprised me though my sister’s small rubber doll was almost completely destroyed. I thought to myself wait till she gets home. Then I turned around and said birdie I’m going to call you James and were gonna be the best of friends.

Months went by and everyday it would be the same routine homework, TV, outside, dinner, and watch James. Until one day James wasn't eating and I began to worry so I told my mom and we took him to the vet. The vet took James and came back in about fifteen minutes.
“Mrs.Assaf can you come over here a second,” The doctor asked ?

“I see I see,” My Mom replied .

“Well theres no easy way to say this Abdullah But James is very sick and he needs to take special medicine that will make it better but he will never walk up again but the doctor won't give it to him without your per mission,” My mom told me.

I thought to myself all the happiness that James has brought never asking for anything in return and now he’s asking for this one thing to help him make the pain go away . I agreed but only if i could say goodbye first . The vet agreed and let me into the room I looked at him and I began to cry he of looked so weak. I said my final goodbyes and left the room. I began to cry but before all it could go down hard I felt a soft hand on my shoulder .

“If you love something set it and if it comes back it was truly meant to be,” my mom said.

As we walked out of the Veterinary office I know I had done the right thing. I thought to myself people should not let something they love get tortured they should set it free and remember all the good times you had while it lasted.

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