Number Eighteen | Teen Ink

Number Eighteen

October 20, 2013
By Anonymous

It was unusually warm for a night in late September. The sideline was silent as the national anthem began to play. The whole duration of the song I was reminded why I hate the national anthem as the churning in my stomach became worse with every note. After what seemed like hours it was time for kickoff. This was the most anticipated game of the year. Both teams were undefeated and I began to think of what would happen next. I wondered if the endless hours I had spent in the weight room after everyone else had left and the extra time I put in with the wide receivers was all worth it. The harsh sound of a referees whistle drew me back into reality as we kicked off to our opponents, but the thoughts of what I’ve done to get myself here and how the night would end still lingered in my mind. The night progressed and as the third quarter came to a close the score was tied as I took the field with my offense once again. I walked down the sideline in search of my coach to retrieve the play. I finally found him as he pondered on what play to call. After a few seconds he looked at me and said “We’ve been working on it all week. You know what to do”. I nodded and jogged onto the field to find my offense

Once I reached the huddle I looked at number eighteen, my favorite receiver and said “just like we practiced” as if it reassured me things would work out when he nodded back. I called the play and broke the huddle as usual and followed the line back to my spot. I read the defense just like always and began to call the cadence. I caught the snap and began my roll to the right the whole time knowing I was going to throw to the backside receiver on the left. I reached my destination after seven steps and then turned and found number eighteen in the back corner of the end zone. I had had so many successful outcomes seeing that number downfield before the sight of it now cuase positive feelings to flood into me. I let the ball sail. Before I knew it a wave of relief had crashed over me. The nose of the ball stuck right inbetween the one and the eight of his jersey. We had scored a touchdown.

I raced the rest of the team to the end zone to celebrate and feeling better with every step. The anxiety of the possibility of failure, the low self confidence, and the fact that all my work could’ve gone to waste were replaced by feelings of accomplishment and confidence. I joined my team in our post touch down mosh pit session that we always have in the enzone. I didn’t know it yet but that play would change the rest of my life. If we could just hold on we would be leauge champions. Once back on the sideline my reciever practicly tackeled me to the ground in excitement. I began to think of how many times we had practiced that play and all the others. I love football and that’s why it is something that I’ve worked very hard at to make myself better. I have had a lot of success but without my dedication none of that success would be possible. The night we became league champions made me realize how important hard work is. People tell you that you can achieve anything by dedicating yourself to something but you can’t really understand it until you work hard yourself. This realization I had has influenced my decisions and my work ethic since that day and will continue effect me for the rest of my life.

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