The Lost | Teen Ink

The Lost

October 20, 2013
By adhutt71 BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
adhutt71 BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

There I was sitting there on my bed inside my room in my house wondering what it would be like if I was still out there....

It was a Sunday around 1:00 O'clock and me ands few friend's had the idea to go into the wood as we did every other time we were bored so we went down by the Creek, which we've been to a million times now. Any way this time i like to say “we” but really it was me suggested to go barefoot, This idea was exciting to us we had never gone on a barefoot adventure before, a new experience we could throw into our book of adventuring . We got out to the creek as my friends little brother spoke up bragging "I've been the farthest into the woods." Not expecting for anything to come of it I said as sarcastic as i could "cool Greg why does that matter." He replied simply "follow me and see." Me and Mitch hesitantly looked at each other as we followed Greg deeper into the woods. which would end up not to be our greatest idea in the end

You can hear I-75 pretty good when you're at the start of the trail. the highway started to fade out the farther we got into the trial and the farther we went in the more unfamiliar or hazy we got with our surroundings but we trusted Greg. I realized at this point there's no turning back now even if the pit in my stomach was telling me to say something and turn around , I ignored it and moved on.

The brush is thick now and I started to think this was a bad idea to follow, then we heard Greg yell "guys I told you I lore where I was going!!" And just like he said the creek was right there and a map. Feeling empowered I broke the plastic and took the map. Minding my own business looking at the map heard a yell "BEES!!!" As Mitch ran across the river in horror I followed for precautions, but they weren't enough I felt three bees dig their stingers into my shoulder and my calf.

We took the creek up to get back faster, trudging down the river stepping in muck up to your knees and bee stings throbbing started to make me think could we have went the wrong way... I was kidding myself I knew I was.

Two hours pass as I finally the first person to say It." guys..... I think we might be lost..." The worst things that anyone in the woods would want to hear. The worst possible feeling you could feel was being lost. In that moment all I could think of was hope and where it had gone.

The author's comments:
the woods and the experience actually happened to me

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