Natures Mysteries | Teen Ink

Natures Mysteries

October 20, 2013
By Anonymous

Where we live, what we began with, what we have is nature. Full of mysteries and experiences that we all can share. Nature shows us many things we can learn about ourselves starting with our companions in this world, animals. When I was in 7th grade I read a book called 'Hatchet' by Gary Paulsen. It was about a boy that crash landed in the heart of the Canadian wilderness. He shared many experiences with the animals there but one instance when he saw a pack of wolves on a hill. They all saw him and their eyes met. The wolves did not run towards him or howl or anything. They say still on the hill watching him as he was watching them. I think this shows that animals are not hardwired to do whatever their instincts tell them to do or what they are know to do. Now I am reading yet another book by Gary Paulsen called 'Woodsong'. In this particular book there is where the main character a man that lives in Alaska, throws a stick at a black bear that is tearing up his chicken coop. He throws the stick yelling "Get out of here!", and suddenly the bear is above him standing, staring at him and so curious, the bear could've killed him with one swat of his paw, but didn't. The bear spared him for what? The man runs back to the house after the bear had moved on and grabs his rifle. He aims at the bears kill spot and stops. The question "kill him for what?", runs through his mind. The puts down his rifle. He realizes the bear taught him a lesson. The bear showed him he is just another animal in the forest and he has to understand the power of this great animal. I think this shows how we learn from nature and can really realize that curiosity and intelligence that drives all living beings to some extent. Back about 3 years ago I was riding a four wheeler back on my grandpas property and I noticed a deer standing on the edge of the woods. I rode up to it and it did not move. It wasn’t frozen scared like deer usually are when you see them, but it was different. The deer stood and stared at me from only about 15 feet away. He then began to walk closer to me and sniffed the air, smelling me and getting my scent. He knew my smell and knew I was human but showed no fear. I have never seen a deer so calm being so close to me. This one experienced showed me that not all animals will act as they are expected to, and seldom show a certain understanding for a situation like this. I think it is amazing to see these type of animals and to see their understanding that we never thought was there.

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