The Silent Death | Teen Ink

The Silent Death

October 24, 2013
By chrisssyhudson BRONZE, Crest Hill, Illinois
chrisssyhudson BRONZE, Crest Hill, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The sun slowly creeped its way through the windows. While I was in a trance listening to the teachers words. My ears following every word that rolls off her tongue. Actually I Was not paying attention at all I was waiting for after lunch because then we would have a Christmas party , and for a fourth grader that is very exciting .

Thinking of all the candy like skittles and snickers, or good piece of Pizza Hut’s pizza the thought of things only made my anticipation worst. I looked around among my peers I see smiling faces and tears on peoples faces from laughing way too hard. I wondered what hardships people have been through in their lives. I thought does everybody laugh ? Is anybody's life perfect ? But what came after this told me that nobody’s life is perfect actually far away from it.

Then the time finally came when we were about to have the party. I felt a rush of excitement at this time. While I am about to go get things I got for the party I hear my name being called on the intercom-

“ Chrishianna, please report to the elementary office you are leaving for the day” the front desk lady said patiently.

“ She will be down right now” My teacher yelled way too loud.

I sat there for about 2 minutes in amazement thinking how I never get out early for school. So I must of did something bad. I see my teacher coming over, she taps me on the shoulder and so sweetly says
“ Chrissy it is time for you to go”

I grabbed my stuff and walked down to the office. Leaving all the things I so badly wanted behind me. On my journey to the office I thought, what I could of done that would have been that bad to get me out of school. Hmm, was it that I didn't make my bed, or maybe he heard what I said to my sister. No it could not be that they were sleeping or were they? Or may-

“ Chrissy how are you “ my dad said snapping me out of my thinking. Now trying to act like daddy’s princess so he will not be that mad with me for whatever i did .
“Daddy why am I getting out of school early?” batting my eyelashes trying to sound as innocent as possible.
He looks at me like he doesn't know how to say it. Then finally he said
“ UMM Grandad he … he… is very very sick.”

I knew that my grandad was sick he was just in the hospital I saw a little bit before Christmas he looked like everything was ok. Thats when my heartbeat began to race like I had just ran a mile. I slid into the car not saying a word. When I got in the car I realized my other siblings were also out of school. As the oldest they looked to me for answers, answers I did not have. Sitting in my seat, squirming is if I had to use the bathroom. The family got out the car not a sound was heard from them.

I started the long trek to the hospital doors and the cold was burning my nose. My siblings were entertained with that you can see your breath in the air. I did not want to go in but I had to be strong , for my siblings who were pretty much clueless and especially for my mom.

When i walked into the hospital the smell suffocates my throat. I take a seat in the waiting room and watch my siblings intentivley. As I give my mom a hug goodbye i see the pain and the fear in her eyes. As she rushes off to the hospital room where my brave grandfather lays. I sit there while my heart feels like it has ran 4 miles. I thought about all the good times we had. Strawberry picking, watching cartoons Tom and Jerry to be specific, and him telling me stories about the military . How he used to decorate the inside of his house so nice for christmas. I would miss him. But it was not the time to feel depressed. I had a family and I always thought I had to be the strong one. My mom needed me.

As time elapsed I see my mom come into the room i can tell by the look on her face that something had happened my mom was crying . I look and I feel the world slow down. Feeling as if my world is in a blur it can't be … he wasn't that sick or was he ? He is gone.. not to ever return to the earth again. I guess you don't realize how much you love someone until you lose them. The part that hurt the worse is I never even got to say goodbye.

I watched as family members poured into the hospital, people I haven't seen in years. Hugging me and saying everything is going to be ok. I know that it was going to because my love for my grandad will never die. To me he did not he will always be in my heart. My grandad was a soldier and now his fight is over.

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