Empty | Teen Ink


October 21, 2013
By Brendan Barrow BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
Brendan Barrow BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It was May 29th, almost the end of the school year. I walked outside and looked left and right. There was a sea of cars, but I could not recognize any of them. I didn't know why I was getting picked up early, I didn't know who was picking me up early, all I knew was I was getting picked up early and that was just unusual. The only car that I recognized was a grey Pontiac G 6. My aunt had one so I figured that could be it, I walked closer. It was my aunts car, the left passenger door was broken so my brother had to unlock it himself so I could get in. my brother was in the back seat of the car and my cousins heather and Scott were in the front. This was unusual because my brother was the oldest so he usually sat in the front. My curiosity grew higher as to why my family was picking me up, but why cousins were in my aunt’s car. None of less I was glad my family was there. I was confused as to why so I asked” why are you guys here?” My brother said “We have bad news,” I quickly replied “what?” My brother dropped his head, cleared his thought, and said “I don’t know how to tell you this… but Jenny’s dead.” Right then I just ignored how everyone else was feeling. I had a selfish reaction thinking I was the only one dealing with her death, and I just let loose, tears came out of my eyes like and opening to a flood gate as tears ran from my face and my family’s faces became a blur. I dropped my head into my brother’s shoulder because it felt like all I had. I was realizing right then he was my only sibling and he eventually could become all I am going to have. He could be all in my life some day because most of my close family members are ageing and are quite old. I think he knew as much as I that we needed each other now more than ever. He gave me a tight hug for a slight second, I felt mediocre, but only for a second until I felt hopeless and empty again. It was a feeling like I was alone, I had just lost my sister; one of the most important people in my life. I felt cold but oddly I was sweating. I got a powerful headache and sharp pain in my gut. I felt weak and nauseous. Almost like I myself, was dying. Worst was coming to the realization I would never talk to my sister again, and I knew deep down, that would change me. It has changed me in so many ways. I've grown to become more select with those I am friends with. It made me realize that I avoided spending time with her for people who didn't deserve my time as much as she did. And it made me feel deep regret on the fact I did. But I had the ability to learn from one of my greatest mistakes. And if people don’t care about me or my success than I don’t care about them, and they aren't welcome in my life. I knew that if I allowed myself to have the types of people that were bad for my life in my life, I would ended up feeling alone eventually, like I felt then, how I felt empty.

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