A Step Further | Teen Ink

A Step Further

October 22, 2013
By Israh BRONZE, Oak Lawn, Illinois
Israh BRONZE, Oak Lawn, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Lilly is young year old woman she has long light brown hair, hazel eyes, with dimples on her cheeks, she is about 5”6 tall. Lilly lives alone in a house that her parents passed on to her when they passed away. She lives alone with no family members because her parents passed away when she was about 20 and her sister Ashley got married and moved to New York. The only person she has is her best friend Kevin. Kevin and Lilly have been friends since they were kids. He is 27 and also lives alone but they’re always there for each other. Lilly works in a hospital as a nurse, she hasn’t been working there for long but she likes it but hates all the hours she has to work and wants more days off then once a week. Lilly’s routine is different everyday. So one day Lilly wakes up makes a cup of coffee grabs the newspaper and sits down to read it. While going through she saw an article about her best friend Kevin.

She read out loud, “Kevin filbert has been working in the business industry for years now as a model for his dad’s clothes line. It is the most famous and has been flying to the top.” She was so happy in a surprised way so she picked up the phone and called Kevin.

“Hey there I saw you on the newspaper, congratulations about the company Mr. Model I’m so happy for you,” Lilly said.

“Thanks but I don’t see a big deal about this. Everyone is calling me and congratulating me about it. I have other things to worry about,” Kevin argued.

“I’m sorry Kevin I didn’t mean to upset you. Do you want to talk about it?”

“Yes I think I do. I’m ready to tell you what has been annoying me lately meet me at the café,” he answered.

“Alright Kevin I’ll see you in five minutes.”

Lilly shuts her phone runs to her room, fixes her hair and puts jeans on, and a t-shirt and some flip flops on. She then grabs her purse and car keys and leaves the house. Lilly wondered why Kevin is so upset. She thinks about it and wonders if it could be Kevin’s dad again he always tells him what to do, he always wants to control Kevin’s life. Lilly gets there grabs her stuff and hops out the car and rushes to the café and Kevin was already there. He had two cups in his hand. He always knew what Lilly likes a medium cappuccino with a little sugar and Kevin always had a coffee. She grabs a seat were Kevin was sitting and just smiled.

“Thanks for coming,” Kevin began.

“Of course I came what kind of friends wouldn’t come. Now what’s wrong Kevin? What are you so upset about?”

“It’s about my dad he—“

“I knew it! What did he do now? Why is he always controlling you Kevin? You need to say something to him,” Lilly interrupts.

“Lilly my dad doesn’t control me. Yes, he tells me what to do but I always mention this girl around him and he goes crazy. I don’t know why but he needs to understand that I really like this girl.”

Lilly says with tears in her eyes, “so who is this girl?”

“I’m not ready to tell you Lilly.”

Lilly gets really mad and her tears run down her face. She grabs her stuff and leaves the café. Kevin was really confused so he tried to stop her but he was late. Lilly drives home as fast as she can and goes to her room right away. She looks at herself in the mirror and says, “I thought you like me. Now I can’t tell you that I like you if you like someone else.” She wipes her tears and gets ready for work before she’s late. Before she leaves she gets a call from Kevin she ignores his call and leaves the house. Once she gets to work one of her friend that works there felt like something was wrong with Lilly. She doesn’t say anything but after a couple of hours she goes up to Lilly.

“Hi sweetie I didn’t want to ask you but you’ve been upset for a while is everything alright?” Ashley asks.

“I don’t know, I think so? I’ll be alright I just want to finish my shift and get home already,” Lilly denied.

“You don’t look alright, listen if you don’t want to be here right now I’ll take your shift you’re here for another two house ill finish it for you.”

“No its fine I don’t want you getting all tired because of me. Thanks anyways.”

“Listen you took my shift when I wasn’t feeling good last week so I’m going to do the same for you so go grab your stuff and get some rest alright?” Ashley instructed.

Lilly hugs Ashley and says, “Thank you so much.”

Ashley hugs her back and says, “No problem, now get home safe.”

Lilly lets go of Ashley and waves to her, gets her stuff and leaves. Once Lilly got home she looked at her cell phone and had ten missed calls from Kevin. She tears up and puts her phone on her bed and changes into her pajamas when her phone rings.

Lilly answered and says, “Hello!”

Kevin feeling relived says, “Finally, it’s about time. Lilly I’ve been calling you all day.”

Lilly says angrily, “What is it Kevin? I don’t have time for this.”

“Lilly what’s wrong with you? You just ran off today and I got worried. Did I say anything that hurt you?”

“Kevin I really don’t want to talk right now,” Lilly noted.

“Lilly is it because I didn’t tell you who the girl is?”

“Can you think of someone else but yourself Kevin? I’ve been trying to show you for so long many things but you seem like you don’t see me. What am I to you?”

“Lilly I want to tell you something but I need you to listen to me and don’t take me the wrong way because I don’t want to lose you, Alright?” Kevin asked.

Lilly says right away with sadness in her voice, “Go ahead!”

“Lilly I’ve tried to tell you but something always stops me. Lilly the girl I’m talking about is you. Yes you I know you’re going to hate me because I’m going to ruin our friendship but this is what I’m going to do Lilly it’s my hearts decision I can’t make it stop and I need you to know before you find by yourself. I’m really sorry,” Kevin assured.

Lilly says with a happy voice, “really?”

“Yes, are you alright?”

Lilly continues, “I’ve been trying to tell you the same thing but didn’t know how.”

“So you feel the same?” Kevin asked.

There was a silence, “Lilly are you there?”

“Kevin I’m not feeling well.”

“Lilly what’s wrong? Lilly do you want me to call 911? LILLY?” Kevin says worried.

Lilly doesn’t reply so Kevin shuts the phone and calls 911 right away. The ambulance gets to Lilly’s house and knock but no one answered so they knock down the door. When they get in her house Lilly was lying on the floor so they take her in the ambulance car and rush her to the hospital. When they get there Lilly wakes up and they take some x-rays and let her wait in a room with Kevin till they get back.

As Kevin looks at Lilly and smiles and says, “You scared me was it something I said?”

“I told you I feel the same way why do you keep asking me if it was something you said? Well it’s not alright.” Lilly argued.
Before Kevin had a chance to say anything the doctor walks in with the results and he looks at them with a smile on his face but it didn’t look like it was a good smile.

The doctor says, “So the results came out and there was a little problem.”

Lilly looks at him confused and said,” What do you mean?”

The doctor say, “You have breast cancer but that’s alright you can get treatment for it you wouldn’t have to worry you just need to be strong.” Lilly and Kevin sit and look at the doctor confused. Lilly starts to cry and looks at Kevin. Kevin grabs Lilly and hugs her and starts to tear.

Kevin looks at Lilly and tells her, “You’re going to be alright. I’m not going to leave you I’m going to be there for you.”

“Kevin, can you take me home? I want to think about this,” Lilly cried.

Kevin answers back, “Sure lets go then looks at the doctor, “we’ll be back we just need to think about all this.”
They both walk out and Kevin drops Lilly home and she gets out and goes home. Lilly calls her sister and tells her about everything. Her sister tells her to come to New York and start the treatment. Lilly just tells her sister she needs to think about everything. Lilly stays home for a week without talking to anyone and just thinking about everything. She thinks weather she should stay in Chicago or go to New York. She thought that all of her stuff are in Chicago and so is Kevin, he can help her out. She also thinks that if she goes to New York she would have her sister on her side but she felt that she will make her brother in law uncomfortable because she doesn’t want her sister to forget about her husband. So Lilly sat on her bed in her room and thought about it carefully. After a week of rest and thinking about everything Lilly calls Kevin.

“Hi, I need to talk to you I know what I want to do can you meet me at the café so we can talk?”

“Sure I’ll meet you there now.”
Lilly leaves her house grabs everything and leaves. Lilly gets there hops out the car and goes in the café she sees Kevin standing there waiting for her with a coffee and a cappuccino in his hand like always and Lilly begins to cry looking at Kevin.

“Is everything alright Lilly?” I missed you. I was going to come by but I didn’t want you to go crazy so I just left you alone, “Kevin says.

“Thanks I needed all that time, but I made up my choice.”

“What is it?”

“Kevin I don’t have time. I’m going to tell you this before I’m late.”

“I’ve been thinking about this for a week, so don’t tell me anything because you can’t change my mind. I called my sister and she wants me to move in with her so she can take care of me and start my treatment in New York,” Lilly cried.

“Hold up what? Move to New York what are you thinking Lilly? I told you I’m going to take care of you,” Kevin says angrily.

“Kevin this is what I wanted to tell you. Don’t act like this I could have left without telling you. You can’t stop me this is what I decided and its best for us. I rather have my sister take care of me I don’t want to be in your way you have a life and I don’t want to take that from you. I need to go my plane leaves in an hour,” Lilly cried.
Lilly grabs her stuff and leaves the café. Kevin runs after her and grabs her hand. He looks at her car and sees bags and puts his head down.

“Lilly you can’t leave me I need you.”

“Kevin I’m sorry I have to go. I’m going to miss you so much.”

“Lilly you’re everything to me if you leave me now you’re going to ruin my life.”

“Kevin please don’t make this hard for me I have to go its getting too late.”
Kevin grabs something out of his pocket. It was a necklace that Lilly made for Kevin when they were ten. He puts it in her hand.

“Kevin you still have this?”

“Remember me by this I always remember you by it. Now it’s your turn.”

“Kevin I’ll never forget you you’re my best friend and I’ll always love you.”

“I’ll always love you too Lilly.”
Lilly hugs Kevin with tears in her eyes then let’s go. They look into each other’s eyes and Kevin looks into Lilly’s hazel brown eyes and that was the last he seen in her.

Then Kevin standing there alone, “I do really love you Lilly. I guess you’ll never really know that.”

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