The Comfort Object | Teen Ink

The Comfort Object

November 12, 2013
By Anonymous

When I was baptized I was given a lamb. -who I later on named Wuppy. - He had rough but yet comforting snow white cloth, and the smell of home. He was my favorite stuffed animal -out of the thousands I already had-. He was always there to comfort me. I think the texture of the cloth and the silky tag is what comforted me the most. His melodic music assisted me to fall asleep each night. When I got sleepy I’d stick my thumb in my mouth innocently and drift asleep with him caged in my arms as I listened to the music. After some time I had played the music to death and it no longer worked.

Everywhere I traveled Wuppy was dangling from my grasp. He went literally EVERYWHERE. He came to Mexico, Florida, Missouri, the babysitter, the bathroom and anywhere else you can think of. I remember on the ride to Branson, Missouri I was holding Wuppy out the window so he could “fly”, I was moving him in a wave. Up and down, up and down. All the sudden the wind got a hold of him, and the wind flung him backwards out of my grasp. I started balling my mother didn’t know why at first, but then she caught on and saw that I didn’t have my Wuppy in my arms and immediately she knew why I was crying.

“We aren’t going back to get him” my mother said originally.

After a few minutes -which probably felt like hours to her- of me crying and screaming I think I finally annoyed her enough and she caved in. So, we went back to get him and continued along on our journey.
I ended up going through two Wuppy’s because the first one’s music would not play anymore and the white of him began to fade as his cloth wore off. And just like the very first Wuppy the second one started to wear out also. He had a lot of love to his name, and many miles on him. I have grown out of using my Wuppy now, but I still have both of the worn out stuffed animals. In fact I have my very first one in my baptism dress in my ancient oak treasure box. Although, no matter how old you are you may still have a comfort object. Weather it is a person or an item such as a cellphone, a car, clothes, food, or even a stuffed animal.

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