Diagnosis | Teen Ink


November 14, 2013
By Anonymous

Why does my diagnosis define me? Why does it stray people away? Why does it classify me as a crazy person? Why does this one disorder affect my everyday life and all my interactions with people? Why, why, why? It isn’t my fault; I didn’t choose to end up this way.

I was 9 weeks premature and I wasn’t fully developed. I couldn’t breathe on my own, I didn’t cry, I couldn’t eat. I couldn’t function on my own for the next 5 weeks as I laid in the NICU. I had tubes going through my nose, my mouth, and an IV in my arm. I was living off of machines. I didn’t choose that.
I was 7 years old and I was in first grade. This was when the bullying started. I was the chubby one and the other kids were cruel to me. During lunchtime I sat at the end of a table and ate my peanut butter and jelly sandwich with a side of laughs and finger pointing. During recess I’d sit by myself on the swing and hear the other kids laughing, having fun and not letting me play with them. I was teased daily, hearing them say “everyone stay away from Marissa she’s gonna eat us.” This became a routine for the kids and it hasn’t stopped to this day; I didn’t choose that.

I was 12 years old and I just started Junior High. The bullying got worse, the kids started saying more vulgar things to me and the rumors started to spread. I was in 6th grade and things got to the breaking point. I couldn’t stand the pain anymore and I feared going to school because the abuse was too much. I started to self-mutilate and I was just depressed. I had gotten so depressed, that I started to have reoccurring suicidal thoughts. I couldn’t handle anything anymore. So I attempted suicide; I took my mom’s pain killers that she had for her injury and I overdosed. I had taken the whole bottle, 60 pills of strong pain killers. My mom noticed her pills were missing and she went to ask me if I knew where they were; I was passed out on the bathroom floor. She immediately called 911 and told them I had attempted suicide. I was unconscious and I wouldn’t wake up. I got to the hospital and they couldn’t wake me up. They started to pump my stomach, trying to bring me back. Obviously they got me back, but I was still lost. I woke up, saw my parents crying hysterically and realized I was in the hospital. I was still alive; I didn’t choose that.

I was 16 and it was the summer before my sophomore year of High School. I had been talking to someone online as an escape. He didn’t know me, he couldn’t judge me, he wasn’t even aware of what I was dealing with at school. He had told me he was 18, so I didn’t think it was much of a difference. We decided to meet, and that was the worst mistake I could ever make. I had been taken advantage of against my will. I was raped. I was used as a toy. He took away every last bit of self-confidence and self-respect I had left, which wasn’t much. I didn’t choose this.

My diagnosis has been confirmed as Bipolar Disorder, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Anxiety and Sever Depression. This is a diagnosis, not a label. I did not choose this, don’t blame me for it.

The author's comments:
This piece is about my struggles throughout my life. I know many teens struggle with similar issues and I want to show them, they're not alone.

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This article has 3 comments.

klamorte said...
on Dec. 10 2013 at 11:16 am
This is an inspirational and touching piece to share. I am so proud that you are expressing your pain and experiences through writing. It is definitely not easy to write about the moments we often try to forget about in the back of our mind. I hope you continue to express these emotions through writing--I think a lot of people can find comfort in relating to similar struggles and find inspiration to express themselves through reading your memoir.

rissa96 BRONZE said...
on Nov. 22 2013 at 12:56 pm
rissa96 BRONZE, Oswego, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have left.."
"When all words fail, music speaks.."

Thank you so much for taking the time to read my post, it means a lot to me & you're very welcome.

on Nov. 22 2013 at 5:32 am
book.junkie GOLD, Kingston, Other
18 articles 1 photo 48 comments
But you chose to write this article... :) and i think you deserved this pretty srong applause! thank you!