Silver Lake | Teen Ink

Silver Lake

December 9, 2013
By Anonymous

We all meet up early morning and loaded our bikes on the trailer along with gas cans full of 110, flags, helmets and the gps programmed to silver lake. Getting there in the line of trucks and trailers that seemed to take forever, we were finally able to unload the trailer. I warmed up my bike and headed to the to the trail that goes from the parking lot to the opening of the dunes. For sand most people buy a paddle tire and they hook up alot better than a normal tire because they have paddles on them where a normal tire just has a bunch of knobbies. When you first get to the opening you can see test hill where everybody parks either at the top or bottom and watch jeeps and trucks try to make it up to the top. I went down by the beach where there’s a drag strip, I lined up along with 10 or so other bikes and quads, my bike hitting rev limiter I glanced over to my right to see a fat girl on a banshee 350 twin screaming past me.

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