I Wish He Knew | Teen Ink

I Wish He Knew

December 14, 2013
By AlyssaDowalter BRONZE, Hemet, California
AlyssaDowalter BRONZE, Hemet, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

There he was. Sitting at the table across from mine, just like every other day. I wish he knew. He looked behind his shoulder to glance at me, just as he did every day. His medium brown hair gleamed in the light, his green eyes sparkled, and his bright white smile lit up my entire day. Just by hearing his awkward "hello" made me smile. I wish he knew. I've liked him since the first time I saw him. He has an uncomfortable stance, tells pointless jokes, and flashes everyone and awkward smile. He's not perfect, no where close. He has many flaws, but don't we all? This will never change my feelings for him. I wish he knew. He's my best friend. He's protective like a brother and cares like a father, and just so happens to be my dream guy. My feelings for him have always been strong. I wish he knew. It was a boring day, just like any other. I strolled into fourth period and watched as the daily events occurred. That girl in the corner would ask the teacher if we had homework, he would give a sarcastic answer. The boy next to me and the girl across would ask me for a piece of paper. The boy across the room would raise his voice when he asked a classmate for a pencil. It was all the same. "Hello." said a fairly light but deep voice behind me. It was him. I adjusted my chair to face him and returned the hello with a friendly smile. He gave me an awkward, but adorable smile that filled my stomach with butterflies. We both went on continuing with our work. It was science class, this was the only class we had together. This was the time of day that I looked forward to. No, I ached for it. I wanted to feel the butterflies in my stomach, I wanted to be the reason his face had a smile on it, I wanted to see him. Things some how felt different, time seemed to move extremely slow. For once in the school year, the class was quiet. I could hear the clock from across the room. Tick... Tick... Tick... I had an uneasy feeling in my stomach. The feeling you get that comes from deep within when you know something huge is going to happen. I yawned, regretting staying up to watch an entire T.V. series the night before. I leaned back in my chair to stretch, and met a welcoming warmth as my back brushed his. I like him more than he knows. I wish he knew. My teacher slowly lifted himself out of his hard, brick chair to start the video. As the video on "The Transformation of Cells" began to play out, I slowly set my head on his shoulder. It shocked me how perfectly my head fit in the crook of his. It just felt, right. I know this sounds unreal, like something that only happens in books and movies, but I swear this is what happened. The shrieking alarm that we called our bell interrupted what seemed like the perfect moment. I watched as my classmates sprinted out of the door and the cold of December hit them. I made my way out of the door, with him following close behind. As me began to go our separate ways, for some odd reason, we both looked back at each other at the same exact time and smiled. I hate him for it. That was it. That was the moment. I realized something that day. I don't like him, nor did I ever. I'm in love with him. At that one moment, I fell for him, hard. I felt my heart grow warmer and the butterflies increase in my stomach as I walked away. I've heard it all before. They say I'm too young for love, they say I have no clue what it is. They're wrong. I know what I felt that day, I know what happened inside of me. I love him. I wish he knew. Sadly, he never will. He doesn't return my feelings, and probably never will. My life isn't a love story, and it never will be. I hate him for making me fall in love. I hate him for leaving me with this empty feeling inside. I hate him, because I love him.

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