The Trip East | Teen Ink

The Trip East

December 19, 2013
By Oscar Coronado BRONZE, Denver, Colorado
Oscar Coronado BRONZE, Denver, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Have you ever had that feeling where you felt like you were on top of the world and nothing could ever snatch it? Yeah, that one. I felt like this when I went to visit the Iron Man of the family, Levi, at the age of 11.On a warm Summer's evening, my brother, sister, mom and I were going to the arid plains of Oklahoma to visit my heck of a brother Levi. Unfortunately, my father stayed behind.

“C'mon Oscar, we don't want to be late!” shouted mom from the car. So there was the start of my journey to my beacon of hope.

Along the way, we saw a variety of animals, people, and beards. The smell of wild grass stuffs my nose to the point where I fly through a box of Kleenex. The ride took about twelve hours but I slept most of the way. We finally get to he base around noon but our car yields to a halt before the daunting soldiers.

“Name?” Asks the soldiers simultaneously. My mom croaks out,
“W-we came to visit Le-Levi co-Coronado.” and gives them our ID's. They examine the ID's and give them back. With a great big wave the let us into the base to find my brother. After 10 minutes of following arrows we reach our destination. The moment I saw him I exploded into tears of joy. He was 6 feet tall with short hair. Pretty bulky too. He was also wearing a camo suit with tan boots

“Levi!” I holler as I run towards him.

“Bubbagumps” answers Levi as he comes toward me with open arms. The moments I hug him all of the monsters and ghouls in my life evaporate into the back of my mind and disappear. Now my life is the way its supposed to be, innocent and full of joy. After we were reunited, we headed to the mall to enjoy some precious time with each other. The mall was covered with white, glossy paint and read as plain as day,”Mall”. As we sauntered around the mall, talk, and get caught caught up with our lives. We spent about three hours just talking before we get bored. When that happened, we went back to where he lived and to our surprise, his high school sweetheart and future wife, Jill, and her family, were waiting there for us. Now its a whole family reunion for him.

Luckily, they found some board games in the trunk such as Monopoly, Life, and Sorry. Well since there was nothing to do I might as well play, even though I knew I was going to win I thought to myself. Boy was I really wrong. We were all having so much fun I wish time could stop, but even something good has to end. We played until the end of the day and the time I wish would never come again, came.

“Why does today have to end?” I sniffle to myself. Levi hears me and decides to
sit beside me. Then he says, “Because you've already lived today. Tomorrow is a new day
to live another adventure.” That's when I break. I weep, fling myself into his arms, and
feel his warmth as I cling to him tightly. But I pull away, knowing that if I stay any longer, its going to be difficult to say goodbye

“I'm sure gonna to miss you bro.” I say

“Yeah, me too.” replies Levi. I get up and drag myself towards the car. Every step I take feels like I’m walking on glass. I reach the car, but when I do, I turn around, to see his face once more before I leave, and he's smiling, reassuring me that we will meet again. Maybe not tomorrow, or the day after, but we will one day. With that I get in and we drive off. I still remember his face, keeping it with me, as a reminder that we will meet again. One day....

The author's comments:
I'm usually a bad writer but when it comes to memoirs, I can't help but be very good at it.

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This article has 1 comment.

Sandy said...
on Jan. 7 2014 at 4:46 pm
Awesome voice and writing!  Everybody should have such a family member.