Sam, My Best Friend | Teen Ink

Sam, My Best Friend

December 15, 2013
By Anonymous

Sam and I where not really friends untill I was about 8 years old. We met on a cold unwelcome drifty day but when we met the feeling of us geting to know one another was inevedible. I lived at the middle section of my coldesac,while sam lived at the fancy house they drew your gaze at the end of the street. The day I decided to introduce myself, Sam was playing with a old worn tennis ball that seemed that you could tell just from a glance it had a rough life. I finally decided to fling myself up and go and say well whatever came to mind, I guess hi came up. As I arrived at the end of my street and asked if she would like to play catch with me, I asked this asked this with a slighly higher tone of voice on accident but this seemed to make her happy so I felt less embarrassment overcome myself. With what seemed her mind finally made to trust me she threw me the ball in a peculiar manor but i did not comment on it as there was no need to.

This little game of catch we played became sort of a routine, every day after school I sat and watched the clock as if the last 5 minets of the class would last an eternity. As I sat taping my foot with anticipation, the teacher would finally dismiss the class, I sighed with reliefe to get out of this place and to home to see Sam once more. After awhile of bonding Sam and I started to go on long walks together,I noticed she enjoyed this 100 times more than me, but I didnt want to ruin it for her so I put on my best liars face and continued on. These 2 simple activities became a routine in my ady but one I enjoyed over others, but the feeling I had me me think that we have known eachother for years but to only be reminded and baffled that its only been about a month I wouldn't be suprised if she felt the same. At the end of the day of our fun I would walk her home, only to hope to myself I can keep up with her the next day as well as I did the current day because who am I kidding? I was exhausted. This wasn't a paranoia to me only a simple thought that tuged my mind.

After the year cruzed by for me we still continued our little tradition. As i came home one day though Sam was not at the end of the street. With great confusion I went to investegate further into my suspicions. I decided to start with my dad. I approached my dad and asked him if he knew where Sam was, but what he told me, disturbed my child like mind in a way a child does not know how to express or understand the severity of the situation. Sam had been hit by a car. The next few days felt like a lonesome road, like a cloak of ice was just fallen over me, my mind set was full of doubt I blaimed myself to the accident even though there was nothing I could have done. The new routine I had was in the morning depression and in the evening anxiety, I liked to old one more.

The next day my dad informed me me Sam was returning today, a finally felt a sence of joy washed over me. So I waited to what felt like days but was mere hours. Finally I saw the truck go down our street and I knew it was her. All seemed great untill she got out of the car then you could see the real damamge. I saw the loss that she had endured. At first I wasnt sure if my mind portrayed a lie but soon reality slaped me in the face, this was real, this wasnt isnt going to change.I tried my hardest not to stare due to this would cause her obviouse discomfert. so I escorted her to the door. All I remember was a haunting silence between us and the door was shut in my face only to leave my staring at a oak door. I looked to the sky untill I could look no more and walked home. From that day on I did not see sam anymore outside.

Around 2 months later Sam once again where playing together we still played catch and but we just left out the long walk part. Im sure the company of one another is what we really thrived. Everything seemed alright once again. Just when my mind and emotions had settled after that tradgic event, I finally was happy. As if I where bound to never have a great freind or this girl was born with a curse, she was kidnaped. I straight up panickedand told my dad, he said there wasnt much he could do, he said she was just a dog after all. This phrase hit me like a bomb with the force greater than a tsunami. To my young mind the equality of a man and a animal where the same, was that wrong? I felt as if my mind had toatally been reset. As if my point of view was an invalid thought about life. After all we have all heard the phrase mans best friend, so is it really so strange. Yout feelings have changed possibly now because you know its a dog, did you sympathy change or do you feel the same? After all this is from a childs point of veiw, less polluted and temperd by the violence and hostility an adult has become accustomed to.

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