Flying High | Teen Ink

Flying High

December 16, 2013
By Austin Anderson BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
Austin Anderson BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Safety first,” says the instructor.
As I walk around the plane, checking for damage, the time to take off approaches. Un-tying the ropes that hold the plane down, I know it’s time to get inside, start flipping the switches, pushing the buttons, and yelling “clear prop” out the window. So I start the plane.
The engine roars. The prop spins. It’s time to add the power. The plane rolls slowly as I make the call to tower.
I call in, “6549 Delta with information whiskey ready for clearance.”
Tower responds: “6549 Delta runway B is clear, proceed to take off.”
The runway’s clear. My adrenaline elevates as I finish the pre-takeoff check. My eyes look up at the empty runway. It’s time. I push in the power, pickup speed, and get ready to pull back. The plane rises. Reaching cruising altitude I remember why I love to fly.
I feel like a giant gazing at the world below me. The cars look like hot wheels. I could stay up here forever. Flying high. No worries. No problems.

The author's comments:
A pilot living the life.

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