Garrett | Teen Ink


December 18, 2013
By Anonymous

I remember the day I met him as though it happened yesterday. I was standing outside just off the sidewalk waiting for the signal to go back inside the school. I always hated it when they made us practice fire drills. I was standing there talking to my friend Ronnie, when he walked up and starting talking about random things with Ronnie. I remember noticing how his raven hair fell just at his shoulders and how his sea green eyes had mischievous shine to them. I was breathless, then he turned and smiled at me, a pure white movie star smile, my heart skipped a beat. Ronnie introduced us and we started talking. Turned out we had a lot in common, Garrett and I, we both loved anime, Black Veil Brides, and random things like that. The more time we spent together, the more I realized I was falling for him, and the more he started using me.

After a few months Garrett and I were almost as close as Ronnie and I, that’s when things went south. He started acting… different. He was more of an a**hole, after several weeks of him acting like this; I realized I was seeing the real Garrett. He seemed so nice at first, but, as I found out later, it was just an act. There was nothing nice about him, he was a living breathing, evil incarnate. All he wanted from me at this point was sex. Of course, I being stupid and loving him when I knew he was trouble and that I shouldn’t talk to him anymore and despite the warnings from my friends and family, I would have gladly given him whatever he wanted. Even if all I got was a single moment of his liking me.

Now that I think about it, I should have known from the first minute my eyes landed on him, that he was no good. So just goes to show how bad I was at judging character, because as hot as he was, he was just as coldhearted. So when he invited me over to his house I should’ve said no, but my stupidity and feelings for him, convinced me to say yes. Nothing happened, much to my relief now, but back then I would’ve killed for something to happen, other than just the many kisses.

What made it even sadder was that not even a week after that, he told me he was moving. Imagine, the guy you fell deeply in love with, despite everyone warning you against it, was moving to an entirely different state. It devastated me, that and the fact that after he moved he stopped talking to me all together.

It’s been a little over a year since all that happened and I’m still not completely over him, but I have moved on and I’m proud to say that no longer does Garrett have any power over me.

The author's comments:
This is the brief story of my first love. I originally wrote this for the Eleanor & Park Short-Story Contest on

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on Jan. 8 2014 at 3:58 pm
Cantrella PLATINUM, Kamuela, Hawaii
31 articles 1 photo 18 comments

Favorite Quote:
" Backward, turn backward
oh time in your flight,
make me a child again,
just for tonight." E.A. Allen

It's hard when someone is not what you think. But you have become stronger by the experience and can now can find the person you deserve to be with