In Jamaica | Teen Ink

In Jamaica

January 31, 2014
By Deonte1 BRONZE, Washington, District Of Columbia
Deonte1 BRONZE, Washington, District Of Columbia
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It was summer vacation when I went to spend time with my dad in Jamaica. My mom had driven me to an airport in Baltimore to go. I said good-bye to my mom and gave her a hug when it was time to board.

On the plane it was cold and I was sitting in the mid back off the plane. The plane seats were in rows of three, and I had the window seat. I sat next to a nice Caucasian couple. The view from the air was smooth like and cool. On the flight I had to go to the bathroom a lot and the couple did not mind.

They even woke me up when it was time to get off the plane.

Once off the plane I had to go through Immigration. They asked me why I was here and who was looking after me\ coming to pick me up. Once through I went to security, which was all right. Then a staff member of the airport, who took me to get my luggage, looked me after. After I got my luggage I then it looked at and through.

Later I went outside and met my dad, and after our” little reunion” we went to eat at a restaurant. There I ate some jerk chicken with festival. Afterwards we then were on our way to my dad’s house, which took a couple of hours to getto (at least three hours). Along the way to the house, I saw great waves crashing into cliffs, luscious wilderness like mountains, valleys, and swamps, goats, dogs, agile like mongooses scurry past the car. We then got into Mandeville, where my dad’s house lived.

At the house there was a big wall around it on all four sides. It had two gates for cars and trucks and other vehicles, and a small little side door for people and other small things. The door was then opened and 4 dogs soon greeted me. Two friendly and 2, not so friendly. I was told to get inside quickly; and I did. Some of them did not like me so I was told to not go outside for a while.

Later on, my little sister, Danelle, my step-mom and stepbrother greeted my dad and me. It was a little extended family reunion. I started unpacking my clothes in the room I was sharing a room with my stepbrother. We had dinner and watched television for the rest of the evening.

After a good night’s rest, I started the next day by helping to spray natural pesticides on plants in my dad’s garden. My little sister was so fussy with me helping she kept acting up, that she ended up hitting me and some of the plants, that she was sent inside with my step mom. It was around lunchtime when I decided to try using my dad’s workout machine. I liked working out but my little sister didn’t want me to keep using it, so she tried to push me off, but she failed she then grabbed some kind of metal rod and tried to hit me with it. I then called my dad and grabbed her into the house. After Danel left I went back to exercise it was very difficult, but I was able to use it for no more than 10 minutes. I was exhausted when I was done. Then it was time to have dinner. At dinner my Danel kept playing around, she went to my plate and took my food from me without asking, she knows how to ask but not to me! But no one cared and just told me to give her the piece of my food. At that point I knew that I would have a problem with my sister.

My evenings were kind of routine for most of the time I was there. During the week, I would stay at home with my sister and the maid who brings her daughter to the school that is directly in front of my dad’s house. She would drop her off in the morning before I wake up. These days are filled with my sister scratching and yelling at me saying, “I want it”, “stinky”. When she doesn’t get her way, she cries and throws a tantrum. She evens says I’m not her brother sometimes.

She even wanted to prove that the dogs were hers that she hit and kicked them. I told her to stop but she just bit and scratchedme. The maid then came and took her inside another day of her ruining my day.

On Thursday, my dad took me, my stepbrother and some other friend to see the movie ”After Earth”. The movie was really good but scary with the main monster around. We headed home after the movie. I was told to pack an overnight bag and get ready for a trip to a mountain resort. We left for the resort Friday afternoon.

We drove most of the evening and night and once we got there and checked into the cabin, we went to bed. Later that morning, I went outside to check out the scenery. It was very tasteful, with very smooth rocks and a natural waterfall. There was a little pond full of little frogs, tadpoles and dragonfly. Later we had to cut our trip short, as my dad has to return to work on short notice. So we then packed all our things and took our showers. We then went to the car to the put our things in it.

We then went to the café to eat breakfast. While we were waiting for our food I napped in a hammock with my dad and Danel. Once our food got here we ate it was a fruit salad with apples, bananas, mangos, and some kind of fruit “found off a flower” my dad told me. I ate everything from the fruit except the bananas, which I gave to my little sister. After that we then were given porridge, which I ate hungrily.
After breakfast we started to drive back home when I started to rain. We kept on going on the way I saw a city. It looked magnificent; that whole area I was looking at was Kingston, the capital of Jamaica. We then stopped at a restaurant that hanged to the side of the mountain. At the restaurant we ate all kinds of fish and meat, and had very exquisite drinks and smoothies.When we finally reached home we all were stuffed and soon showered and went to sleep.

The next day there were men adding electrical sliding doors into the walls, and intercoms inside the house and outside the walls. When they finished Danel wanted to be the first to test out the intercom, thinking it was a telephone to talk to people. When I then wanted to try it my little sister clawed at my face wanting to use it. This just like all the other days of the week happened because she thought it was hers. My dad had to pull her off me and send her inside with my stepmom.

The day after my dad was kind of sad. It’s because I would be leaving this week Friday. He thought that before I left I should go up to the beach with them. So we did, we went right after my dad and stepmom came home. After we all got our stuff ready we left. At the beach we just sat in the water and played with each other, splashing water and getting seashells. My stepmom didn’t come any where near the water. I never asked her why but I just respected her choice. We then left and were driving past mystepbrother’s school so we picked him up. I never knew why but every one was mad at him for some reason, so I just didn’t but in.

Days later I was at home as usual playing my PS2. There was a man outside who came to setup a computer. When he finished I went on the computer to play on it. I was on there for about two hours. My stepbrother then pulled me off the computer when he came home, which was late in the afternoon. I needed to play on it fewer computers, work out more anyways.

Tomorrow I will be going home. To my mom, to my friends, to higher achievement. To my true summer vacation, at home in Washington, DC.

It was time for me to go and everyone was sad about me leaving. Even Danel who was crying about me leaving, so I gave her a hug and told her I would see her again, and she stopped crying and the thing that she said that amazed me was, “I going to miss Deonte”

The author's comments:
I wrote this because my time in Jamaica was very special to me so I felt that it should be shared.

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