A Glimpse of Heaven | Teen Ink

A Glimpse of Heaven

January 21, 2014
By Creighton Nakamoto BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
Creighton Nakamoto BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was the perfect summer day, the sky was blue with strokes of clouds here and there, a light breeze so you don’t sweat, and a roaring sun to fill the land, yet I was stuck at home watching TV. I thought to myself what am I doing with my life? So I grabbed my phone and texted anyone who I thought would be available to hang. I wait another 15 minutes, no one replies. I run to my room with a jolt, the floor creaks with every step I take. In one swift motion I opened the door and grabbed my backpack and shoved in my goggles and my towel. I had changed into my board shorts and tank top making sure I matched just in case anyone was looking my way. My dad always told me “simply smiling, styling, and profiling” which basically means when you go out make sure you look good. “MAAAHHHH!!!!!!!! I’m going out.” I screamed with hope she wouldn't care. “KAAAYYYY” she screamed back. I grabbed my trusty beat-up stereo vinyl mini-cruiser, a hot pink deck with dirty white jelly wheels that say I heart boobies on all of them and jumped on for a ride. .
As I rode down those cracked filled roads and parking lots, I closed my eyes let the sun's rays warm my face like a heated blanket over my skin. I arrive at the hidden site that only a few knew about, the trees curved over the channel of cold glistening water on one side and tall forest green cat tails on the other. I walked over to the entrance, took off my slippers and carried them in my hand. I dipped my right foot first, feeling the cold water surround it and slither between my toes. Steps closer I reached the beach, the wind had stopped and I could feel the temperature quickly rising. Little minnows nibbled at my toes like a bunch of little kisses and the smell of a freshwater lake filled the air.
I set my things down on the grassy bank and took off my tank top, immediately the warmth surrounded my body. I flow with the river a little more down stream the sound of flushing waters followed me as I crept closer to the mouth of the river. I stop in awe as I savor the tranquility of my surroundings, ripples glide far and out across the still lake like birds soaring across sky. It was peace on earth. I finally worked up the courage to jump in, then I dove deep holding my breath as long as I could. I started to rise to the surface and opened my eyes, seeing the sky moving in the waves I let the air out of my nose and broke the water barrier. I run my hands through my hair pushing it back, and as I opened my eyes it felt as if the whole time I had been under water my soul was being cleansed.
I sat out there for awhile kicking and paddling enjoying the sun and water, life's greatest couple. I eventually swam back to shore with a calm and blank mind. Sitting there at the mouth of the river on the sand one more question pops in my head. Is this what heaven is like? At that moment I remembered watching the movie Field of Dreams, when Ray Kinsella”s father asks him if he was in heaven, and he responds saying “No this is Iowa”. Before this experience I thought heaven was walking on soft cloud steps towards an enormous gold gate with light shimmering from behind. As you walk in you could feel nothing but peace. Everything is immaculate, streets are made of gold and angels are laughing, smiling, and loving. It was nothing I could imagine on earth, but after seeing that movie, heaven could be different for everyone and I guess heaven is what you want it to be and what you makes you happy.

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