The Cut | Teen Ink

The Cut

March 10, 2014
By Anonymous

I was young and foolish maybe like 6 or 7 years old I was foolish and I'm still am foolish.I still have the scar from that day literally.

I was jumping from the glass to the floor then onto a couch.There was noise that I heard but I didn't pay attention to it.I felt dumb not knowing what that sound was.When I kept jumping in that process there was some noise and a crack but I didn't pay attention.I should have been paying for attention but I didn't.Every time I kept jumping onto the glass table the crack got bigger the noise louder then ...

Smash!!! The table broke the next thing you know glass every where covered with blood also don't forget the blood on the floor.Some glass was in my cut and blood was drizzling from my cut.I could see everything even my bone.Before my dad covered my cut I just looked at my cut with amazement seeing everything some alot of muscle and alittle bone.My dad just put my leg in a towel and tied it off.

Few hours later my mom came home and said
“Que paso”(what happened)when she walked into the door.
She started to screech at my dad screeching
“Porque no lo llevas al doctor cuando yo no estaba aquí”(Why didnt you take him to the doctor when I wasnt here).

“Porqué va a costar mucho”(because it’ll cost to much)said my dad.My mom and dad kept arguing at the end she took the car keys and me to outside were the car is and drove me to the hospital.When the doctor saw the cut he said why didnt you bring him earlier.
My mom said
“Because the babysitter didn't know what to do”

Then I said “porque no me queria llevar mi papa”(because my dad didn't want to take me)Then she pinched me and looked at me with an evil glare to be quiet.After that the doctor gave a shot.Next thing you know I was in my house sleeping with my leg stiched and wrapped.

Even though I'm still foolish but not that dumb to be jumping on a glass table I learned to be careful about my surroundings and to pay attention to every tiny detail I see and I have scar to remember myself to not be dumb ever again.

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