Lakehouse "Fun" | Teen Ink

Lakehouse "Fun"

March 10, 2014
By Stephanie Wold BRONZE, Lakewood, Colorado
Stephanie Wold BRONZE, Lakewood, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

There I was, just another day at the lake eating bagel buddies with my uncle enjoying the beautiful morning. Not knowing that I would make a huge mistake affecting my whole vacation..

My uncle John, my three cousins, Sarah, Robbie, Katie, and their significant others Maddy, Blake, Blane were just finishing up breakfast when my uncle asked if we wanted to go water skiing. Now me being the spastic person I am, especially when it comes to water skiing, I shouted yes and dashed to put my swim suit on.

Since I was the one who was always with my uncle at the lake, I had to grab all the skis and ropes.

When I finished getting everything together we unanchored the boat and headed towards the middle of the lake. My uncle turned off the engine and gave everyone a life vest. Once I had it on, i jumped off the back of the boat to tie the ropes.

Robbie and Sarah tossed me the first rope and I tied it successfully.

Then came the second rope. I grabbed the end to hook it up and noticed the clamp had fallen off and I needed another one.

“Hey Robbie could you toss me another clamp, they are in the orange bait bucket?” I shouted.

“I can’t find them!” he retorted.

I didn't know how to explain where they were in the bait bucket so I had to get out of the water, onto the boat, and find physically them myself.

My uncle John always told us to put down the ladder and climb up it so you wouldn't get your foot caught in anything or cut it on the propeller. But I was in such a hurry to water ski, I ignored the ladder and used my arms to push me up onto the boat. My feet swung under for momentum and then it hit me. Literally. A sharp pain filled my foot. I looked down. I saw a pool of blood filling the water.
Of course with my luck the one time I don't use the ladder I cut myself on the propeller.

“Help!” I screamed, “I cut my foot on the propeller!”

Everyone rushed over and helped me onto the boat. Their faces were amazed with how much blood I had lost. They all looked around frantically as I panicked.
Katie grabbed her beach towel and wrapped it over my foot while my Uncle and Blake unanchored the boat and scurried to get back to the dock.
We finally got back to the house and my foot was feeling numb. I couldn't walk on it.

The guys had to carry me to the truck while the girls put the towel on the seats so I wouldn't stain it with blood. As they set me down in the car everyone piled in and my Uncle stepped on the gas towards the hospital.
I swear he was trying to win a drag race with how fast he was going.
The whole ride there I kept wondering if they would have to amputate it (obviously not) or if I would never be able to walk again or even if my uncle was mad at me for not using the ladder. Its not like I didn't use it all the other times. I always did and he knew that. I just couldn't tell from the look on his face if he was mad, disappointed, worried or all three.

Suddenly my mind went blank. I passed out from the loss of blood.

There when I woke up again my scenery changed. It went from open roads to nurses scattering to help me. I was hooked up to every machine you can imagine. The doctors said I lost a pint of blood in less than 2 hours and thats why I passed out.Also that I had 17 stitches and could not walk on it for two weeks. I was so overwhelmed and still didn't have even conscious to comprehend things,(but it still made sense) so I just kinda sat there with a blank look on my face.

As I regained all my consciousness back, I couldn't believe what actually happened.

By this time I was really angry, not only at the situation, but at myself for letting this happen. I knew it would.

There goes my whole trip. Down the drain, but thats okay because when we arrived home from the hospital we all sat around the fire, cooked s'mores, and looked at the stars. Who needs water skiing anyway right?

Over all I still had a pretty fantastic trip. Sure I didn't get to do what I really went there for, but they made it exciting for me anyway. They sacrificed their vacation to make mine better and lets just say it was one of the best trips of my life.

I can’t wait to go back and have some real fun.

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