The Day I Met Lillian | Teen Ink

The Day I Met Lillian

March 10, 2014
By Anonymous

That moment, that crazy exciting and speechless moment. The moment that my eyes met Lillians face, little did I know my life had changed forever.”OK guys...turn to page 3 in your isns,”said Mr Mauff. “Jake,Jake,Jake” said Jeremy. I snapped out of it quickly and said “What,” “What are you looking at,” “NOTHING,” I said back. My eyes had just met the greatest woman's face and I felt numb on the inside.

CRACK,SMACK,BANG! Jeremy slammed his ruler on my desk as if he was getting my attention ( He wasn't). This was just a normal day, better than others. 1st period was finished I was doing a warm up in Mr. Mauffs, I looked up and saw the best thing . My eyes dilated in on this one girl, Lillian Smith.To this day my life has been changed forever. I thought to myself, I have to meet this woman,talk to her, get to know her. I want her so bad, she is constantly on my mind. Im alittle crazy for her. My friends wave in my face but my soul has already checked out of my body.

It was an ordinary day going to school, finishing classes, but in second hour I looked up and saw the most beautiful woman in the world, that my eyes could ever see. I felt my body stop, the world had stopped for that brief minute. My eyes met Lily's face. My heart stopped. I felt like the world just got a lot better.

I met the most amazing women alive and I just could not breath, she took my breath away. I met her in Mr. Mauffs second hour, right as she flipped her hair I saw her face, I stopped breathing for a few seconds maybe a minute, I couldn't switch the direction of my eyes. Jeremy sirous slammed his ruler on to my desk and I quickly snapped out of it, light headed and breathless I knew I had to talk to her. I soon after that learned that the world is a beautiful place with amazing people in it. I just had to look a little bit harder for them. I just had to asset the people I want to be with the friends I want. I found Lillian Smith the girl for me.

I feel the need to meet her, maybe now, maybe later but I need to talk to her because she is the most amazing woman I have ever seen. I can only hope she will be nice, or even be single, she probably isn't she is so beautiful how could she be. I walk up to her I choked down my first few words but got over that pretty quick and really had a conversation with her. It turned out she did have a boyfriend a real boy because he was in that class with us and he didn't have the balls to walk up and talk to her. I knew I must get this girl I would do anything, I talked to her every day and everything.

It turns out during winter break they broke up, here was my chance I had waited till the end of the break and I asked her. She said “I want to know you better.” Fair enough and I talked to her everyday until January ,10 2014 when she texted me and said “you really want me.” “yes,yes,yes” I said.” Ok you got me” she said back. That day was the happiest moment of my life.

As you can see this was the hardest but best girlfriend I had ever went after and I hope it stays that way forever.She means the world to me and I would never let her go unless you took me with her and killed me first. This is how I feel for Lillian Smith and I will for a very long time. The way I felt that day was insane, words cant describe how amazing she is. 1/10/14.

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