She Hulk Breaks Arm | Teen Ink

She Hulk Breaks Arm

March 10, 2014
By bigbootyjudy BRONZE, Lakewood, Colorado
bigbootyjudy BRONZE, Lakewood, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It started out like any other day at school. That entire day, all I wanted was to be outside, be a kid and not have to watch my “friends” do stuff without me. I would swing on the swing set. Play on the playground. Slide on the slide. I loved being outside, and being with my friends.
It was a cold day, not very surprising for January, I was having the best time, it was the best day I had had in a long time. I felt happy and was enjoying everything. I was just swinging on the swings, I jump off in mid-air. I stood there, I paused for a second waiting to hear the ring of the bell. The loud siren telling me where to go next. I waited on the blacktop.

I didn’t know whether I should start walking towards the door or wait for my friends,but then I just decided to start walking. I started to walk towards the door, Waiting to hear the bell ring. I hear the ring of the bell, everyone runs by me I was just walking, thinking I was to tired of playing to run after my friends. One of my friend yells for me to hurry up, for me to get to the door faster so they didn’t have to wait for me. I start to then pick up speed, I was barely going faster then when I was running. My friend still yells for me to hurry up. Then I just start running, trying to catch up with my friends. I was rushing by people left and right. I finally see the door, I try to run faster, but then I some how wound up slipping on the only sheet of ice within 20 feet.

In the air I turn my body. Making sure I wouldn’t land on my back I land face down on the gravel with my arm tucked into my chest. I turn over onto my back to get off my arm, which I had hurt when I fell. All I could feel was pain, the pain was rushing from my arm. It was a pain I had never felt before and never wanted to feel again, it was the most mind-numbing pain I had ever felt. I laid there motionless on the cold, blacktop. Once I hit the ground, I was crying my eyes out from all the pain I was enduring. I hear people rushing over to see if I was okay or if I was hurt. I remember having my eyes closed from pain and fear, not knowing what to do or how the make the pain go away. I open my eyes to see my friends’ and teachers’ faces over me, looking, watching, worried, and wondering if I was hurt. I laid there not wanting to move cause that caused me even more pain. When I finally get up, I slowly walk myself to the office, where I could sit and could wait to be picked up. When I got home the pain was excruciating. Every movement, every step, every breath I took made the pain worse and worse. Soon my arm went numb from the pain, I kept my arm to my chest so it wouldn’t move, so it wouldn’t hurt. I had thought that I had just hurt my arm a little, but I was dead wrong.

After a few days we went to the hospital, the doctors took one look and knew it was broken, it was just how bad, and how long it would take to heal. All the doctors did was bring bad news and prove my fears. I had broken my radius in half and cracked my ulna. I was so scared, my parents could see the fear in my eyes, from me breaking two bones.

Looking back now, 4 years later, has taught me about what can happen when I’m not careful. Knowing that that can happen and that can cause what it did, I know now what can happen and what can be caused.

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