My Only Sunshine | Teen Ink

My Only Sunshine

March 17, 2014
By Blaine Malefatto BRONZE, Commack, New York
Blaine Malefatto BRONZE, Commack, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It’s truly amazing how sunshine can make a person happier. Sitting inside for this long winter, only seeing snow and gloomy skies for months can really make someone forget the beauty and feeling of sunshine. I had forgotten what it was like and I yearned for it like nothing else. In my opinion, snow is good for one thing and that is snow days. Even then it’s a nuisance. I envy those who love the snow and want to play in it forever. I envy those who can’t get enough snow to satisfy their snowy needs. Ever since I was a kid I preferred staying inside and watching movies under a blanket to playing in the snow. The thought of the snow slipping through the cracks of my sleeves and onto my wrists or down the back of my neck is actually making me cringe as I write this. Don’t get me wrong, I love the way snow looks on the trees and the grass the morning after a blizzard; it really is beautiful. What isn’t beautiful is not being able to see my grass for three months. The simple pleasures in life are what get me by. It really doesn’t take much to put a smile on my face. When I hear a bird chirping it makes me think of spring mornings when the sun is shining bright and the grass is sparkling with morning dew. The thought of going outside without needing to brace myself for the frigid weather calms me down.

I found my sunshine again this past February. I went to Naples, Florida and the feeling of relaxing by the pool in 80 degree weather was the most euphoric sensation I had felt in ages, and all I was doing was lying in a chair. Every day I had the amazing opportunity to walk outside and feel the sun beaming down on me as if he was doing me a favor. And he was, and it was the greatest gift ever, to just be stationary, looking around and think “everything feels right.”

I think my favorite time to be in the sun is from 4-6pm. The sun is almost setting, but is not quite ready yet. The air is cooling down but I still want to get in those last few hours before I have to go home and shower. When I was at the pool at the country club, my dad and I took a walk around and found a waterfront with lounge chairs and we were the only ones around and it was so peaceful. We just sat there in silence and took in everything around us. The one thing that will forever stick out in my mind about that moment was how the reflection of the sun on the rippling water was like a million fireworks.

The author's comments:
When I was in Florida, I was sitting by he water and I admired the way the sun reflected on the water and I wrote a note in my phone that inspired me to write this piece.

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