The Struggles of Being the Oldest | Teen Ink

The Struggles of Being the Oldest

April 4, 2014
By Kayla891 BRONZE, Milwaukie, Oregon
Kayla891 BRONZE, Milwaukie, Oregon
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Sisters are a pain. They borrow my clothes, break my stuff, and get me in trouble. Before they came along, everyone thought I was the bee’s knees, the apple of their eye, the next best thing since sliced bread, but now, I am a has been. My cuteness has worn out and my spotlight has been stolen right from under my feet.

When my mom brought home my sister Moranda for the first time I was thrilled. Finally I would have someone to play with! That wasn’t the case. All she did was steal all of the attention away from me.

“Aww she’s so cute.”

“ So precious.”

“She’s the sweetest baby ever!”

Blah, blah, blah. It’s like all of my relatives had forgotten about me. I had been replaced. Worst of all, she was nothing like the little sisters in the movies. She cried all the time and when she wasn’t crying, she was pooping or sleeping. I gave her orders but she just looked at me with a blank expression. Needless to say, I was disappointed.

Eventually as Moranda grew up I became more and more fond of her. She started walking and talking and did a lot less pooping and crying. We did everything together. I trained her to be just like me; she was my best friend.

One day just like any other my own Mother and Father brought this intruder into our house! Moranda and I looked at each other with the same expression of confusion on our faces. Who was this baby? This wasn’t the puppy we requested? We needed to investigate and find out what she was doing here. My mom sat Moranda and I down and explained to us that we had a new baby sister named Abbi. Although this was a new experience for Moranda, I knew exactly what this meant for me and I was upset! Something had to be done about this. I called for a meeting A.S.A.P and Moranda and I devised a plan. Somebody had to go, and it wasn’t going to be us. This house wasn’t big enough for three kids, and a puppy. We were determined to get that puppy! Our plan was that we would wait until the “unwanted one” was alone and then we would take her back to where she came from.

Over the next couple of days our house was full of relatives and friends coming to praise the newest “Bundle of joy.” Once again I was tossed to the side and forgotten; betrayed by my own flesh and blood and I was furious. While my mom was in the other room Moranda and I decided this was our chance. Abbi, only a few weeks old, was laying out on the floor on a blanket playing with her toys. Moranda and I, with an evil look in our eyes started moving toward her. She laid there all innocent. She was mocking us! We knew it! We grabbed the corners of the blanket and slowly started dragging the blanket and everything on it, including Abbi, and headed towards the door. We struggled, being only 3 and 1 yrs old at the time, but we were some determined toddlers. We would not give up until she was back at the hospital where she came from. We almost made it to the door when my mom came in. I still remember the look of shock on her face to this very day. She couldn't believe her eyes. She yelled at us and asked us what we were thinking. Me being the leader of this operation quickly said, "We’re taking her back to where she came from!" My mom just chuckled and explained to us that Abbi is ours now and we have to get to know her and then we will like her. At that time that idea seemed so far fetched.

I still tease Abbi (14 years old now) about this day and tell her she better be careful or I will get rid of her. Looking back on this experience now it makes me smile and laugh and think how crazy Moranda and I were for trying to get rid of our sister. It also makes me sad because I couldn't imagine my life without Abbi, or any of my sisters in that case. My sisters are my best friends. Even though like I said before, they are annoying and a pain sometimes, I wouldn't trade them for the world. They mean so much to me and I am so privileged to be able to be their older sister and role model. I also strive to be the best I can be because I want to be someone they can be proud of and look up to and admire. I love them so much and I would much rather have them than a puppy, well most days that is.

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