My Time to Shine | Teen Ink

My Time to Shine

May 7, 2014
By Anonymous

The bright spot lights glistened onto what seems to be gigantic field. Soon, the whistle blew for the beginning of the game. Thinking this is my time to prove myself to everyone that didn't think I could do it. Suddenly I notice a player dribbling down the right side of me. He rifles one towards the back post and i make the diving save. Kicking it down field the ball bounces to the opponents defenders. As the first half ended we were up 1-0.

Little did I know I’m in for a huge ride in the second half. As Seth passes the ball to Andrew the second half begun. All of the sudden, a cross comes in and bounces over my defenders head and rolls out of bounds for a corner kick. When he kicks the slippery white ball i lose it in the bright white lights, i found it at the last second to punch it away to the top of the box. I fell to my knees as a punch, stand up quickly right in time for a save. Babcock valleys the ball towards side netting.and as I dive to make the save my hand hits it and lands right on the line and I cover it up and kick it out. I think to myself on how close that really was. I dodged a bullet there as I tell Schutzy.

Almost halfway through the second half my teammates and I run into some trouble. Sheilds gets a foul in the box and I’m stuck facing a penalty kick. The ref sounds the whistle and points to the PK spot. I’m thinking to myself “oh gosh”. Im ready, im on my toes whistle blows and I dive and I notice the ball going the other way. So disappointed in myself I hung my head in shame. I kick the ball to half for play to continue. My teammates surround me saying “you're alright man, wasnt your fault”. And they picked my spirits back up and i'm ready for play. Five minutes pass and we have a rush down the field and Nate crosses it into the back post where Andrew is just waiting for the ball, and Andrew scores with his head. I start running to center of the field to congratulate him. Later after that almost 10 minutes later the game was over. I was so happy I couldn't control my smile. We shake the hands of Metro East Lutheran and huddle back up for coach to speak. Coach Hewitt is talking and says “Ryan you had a he** of a game son, I’ve never gave this award out before but now I am. You were the man of the match. You stepped up and performed great.” It was one of the greatest times of my life, and I’ll never forget that moment with those guys.

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