Cats the Musical | Teen Ink

Cats the Musical

May 11, 2014
By Anonymous

Everyone has a moment in their life when they realized why there were put on this planet. For me, it was when I saw my first Broadway musical, Cats.

It was 5 years ago and I was sitting in the Bob Carr theatre about 12 rows back from stage. I unenthusiastically browsed through the playbill; needless to say I had no idea what a playbill was. The orchestra began playing the overture and my attention directed towards the large and elaborate stage. The curtains opened and the show commenced. It would be an understatement to say my breath was taken.

I fell in love with the thought that people sang, danced, and acted for a living. And how these people could embody any character they wanted, even a cat and I believed they were cats. I was astonished by the gorgeous sounds that left their mouths and the passion they displayed throughout their entire body. I was amazed with every aspect that had to do with musical theatre and it was in that moment in which I realized what my purpose for living was. I was born to perform.

I started taking voice lessons, dance lessons, and to increase my music comprehension, piano lessons. I met numerous of people who had the same interest as me and encouraged me to audition for plays and musicals. So I did. I started to audition for shows in my school or local theatre around 5th grade. I didn’t always get the main part but I didn’t care because it was the feeling I got when I was on stage that made me feel alive and like I belong somewhere and that that’s what I’m meant to do with my life.

I also saw more musicals at local theatres but it wasn’t enough for me. I wanted to go to New York and watch a show on Broadway. It took about two years of convincing my mom, and saving up every penny I found and put in a piggy bank I called my New York fund. I did end up going to New York and saw Mary Poppins. Let’s just say, I was not disappointed. The theatre was a beautiful piece of architecture from the outside in, from the ceilings down the framing of doors to the exquisite polished tiles that created the floor. An usher took us to our seats 6 rows back from the stage and I stared at the shimmering red curtains that draped from the ceiling. At this performance I actually did know what a playbill was and I excitingly glanced through the playbill. The orchestra tuned their instruments and shortly after a lady dressed as Marry Poppins appeared above the audience’s heads and flew onto the stage. Much singing and dancing followed and soon enough the show ended. I fell more in love with Broadway and anything that had to do with it.

Even though New York had its overcrowded population and rats in the subways, that didn’t stop me from going to New York once again earlier this year and going to see Newsies the musical. Today, there is no question that my aspiration is to be on Broadway and perform like how they did in Cats, Mary Poppins, and Newsies.

Over all, everyone has that moment life where it’s as if a light bulb turns on above your head. It’s like everything falls into place at that instant and everything that has ever happened in your life, everything you have ever done, become clear and you know exactly what your task in life is. And when that moment does happen, set goals, aspire to reach them, and make them happen.

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