Look Ahead, Not Behind | Teen Ink

Look Ahead, Not Behind

May 22, 2014
By bkay11 SILVER, Howard City, Michigan
bkay11 SILVER, Howard City, Michigan
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Hope for the best, prepare for the worst, and take whatever comes"

Everyone has that point in their life where they yearn to go back in time and transform the moments that occurred years ago. Some people go through life remembering moments with someone and realizing that those memories will never happen again. They live in the old days and will continue to until they find the courage to look toward their future instead of trying to improve their past.

When I was a freshman, I had a friend that treated me dreadfully. She always brought down my self confidence, made me feel idiotic, and constantly lied to me. At that time, I never cared how she treated me, I was just delighted that I had someone to call my “best friend.” She had some strong qualities to her, though. She was consistently there for me when I needed a shoulder to cry on, she always let me gossip to her about everything, and when someone called me horrific names, she defended me immediately. In a way, she was a wonderful friend. As sophomore year rolled around, we progressively faded apart. I stopped believing all of her lies and started to become independent.

Since we broke off the friendship, I feel like I can speak for myself much more. I can actually sit down with my other friends and have a conversation without being rudely interrupted. I finally understand how it feels to be free. I am able to do the activities I want to do and would not have to take orders from a bossy girl. Towards the end of that year, my feelings changed humongously. I missed her. I missed the girl that acted like she was my best friend, not the girl who treated me like garbage. I began thinking about all the meaningful memories more often since our dispute. We have not hung out since freshmen year, nor have we had a conversation with one another that did not result in fighting. Now that I am a junior, I do not ponder that part of my life as much as I used to. I decided to block those years out because I have finally moved on.

Despite everything that she has done to me and all the lies I have been told, I am beginning to forgive her. I still hold onto all the events we shared together because those simple little things formed me into the person I am today. I cannot begin to express how happy I am for that. I have begun a new chapter in my life because I have finally built up enough courage to stop rereading the last one.

Generally, people are too frightened to let go of their past because they are fearful of what the future holds for them. Humans tend to repeat all the marvelous and miserable things that happened to them a long time ago and try to figure out words they could have said to change the result, but never had the strength to. People should not continue reminding themselves of the past, but they do it anyway. Not a single person in this world has had a perfect life. Everyone has specific occasions that they would go back and change if they had the opportunity. Your own past is what formed you into the person you are today. Do not continue reminding yourself of all your mistakes. Instead, remind yourself of the excellent things.

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