This Is Me | Teen Ink

This Is Me

June 4, 2014
By Lynda03 BRONZE, Atascadero, California
Lynda03 BRONZE, Atascadero, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

What makes me who I am today? One of the biggest things is having a large family with so many people to look up to. Also, having many goals, some that have come true and others I am still working on, that I can set my mind to achieving. Many aspects of my life have contributed to how I am today and what my goals are.

One of the biggest aspects of my life is the influence my sister Jessa has had on me. She taught me never to lose hope in anything. She had a health issue that gave her a constant, pounding headache. Even though her head was pounding, she dealt with my craziness everyday with no complaints. Most of the time, I forgot she even had a headache because she would yell and go crazy with me. She must have visited at least ten different doctors within two years, but she never lost hope in her headache going away. After about two years, it finally went away, all on its own. Going through this whole experience with her, I learned never to lose hope in anything bad that happens to me. This has helped me greatly with accomplishing my goals.

Making junior varsity cheerleading is one of my greatest accomplishments so far. I remember coming to all the home football games and sitting in the stands watching the cheerleaders. I would sit there and learn all the cheers and dances just by watching. It was always my dream to be a high school cheerleader. When the time came for tryouts, I was so nervous. I worked my hardest all week at tryouts and practiced every night. On the final evaluation day, I performed, went home, and waited. I waited all night and into the next day. Finally, after what seemed like forever, the results were posted. I quickly looked down the list and when I got to my name I screamed with joy. I was a high school cheerleader. After making the team, I knew I could achieve all my goals if I set my mind to it and worked hard.

My biggest goal right now is getting good grades so I can go to college and get the education I need to become what I want to be. Being the youngest in my family gives me a lot of things to live up to, and getting good grades is the biggest. All of my sisters had a 4.0 GPA for most of their high school years. They have all graduated and moved on to a four year university. Getting good grades helps you get into the college of your dreams, and without them it is so much harder. This just pushes me to do my best in school so I can follow in my sisters footsteps and continue with the family standards.

All in all, there are many aspects of my life that have contributed to who I am today. One of the biggest aspects is my older sisters. They have taught me so many life lessons that I will carry with me forever. Also, making JV cheerleading has taught me if I set my mind to something and do my best, I can accomplish anything. Finally, setting goals to achieve in the future, give me motivation and something to look forward to.

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