The worst feeling | Teen Ink

The worst feeling

June 13, 2014
By Abdikarim BRONZE, Portland, Maine
Abdikarim BRONZE, Portland, Maine
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The worst feeling.

In the summer of 2013 I experienced the worst feeling of my life I saw a man murder another man and It started out with me shooting a basketball with my brothers and friends. We were playing 4 on 4 half court game. We were ahead by 7 but one of the kids kept shooting a 3 pointer and he was unstoppable. So our team tried to use the same strategy but it didn't work because you had to be good of a shooter first. Eventually we got tired and I just started to look around. There were kids in the playground on the other side of the basketball court. When we decided to go home two young boys approached us and asked if we would play with them. I said no but my younger brothers decided to play with them. So I kept shooting until my legs worn out.

While I was shooting the ball I heard some shouting coming down from the street. When I turned my head I saw 3 thugs who were drunk and when they walked up to me the smell that came from their jacket was horrific. They were of balance. They approached me. The first things that came to me was was the smell coming from their jacket. The smell was so bad I had to take steps back because of. They looked at each other as if I was crazy. They offered a hand shake but I hesitated. They said " we ain't gonna hurt you kid". I said nothing but I just kept on taking steps back until they stopped walking. All of a sudden one of the thugs walked to the bench and just slept. They kept talking to me but I ignored them by observing them. While they were talking I looked at their mouths. One of the thugs was missing half of his teeth. They stopped talking and they all walked to the field for shade.

The third graders who were playing on the field were bullying some kid. They called him a n*****. But the thugs didn't hear anything. Then he said it again but louder and this time all of the thugs poked out their heads as of they have seen a ghost. One if them approached the little boy and smacked him from the side of the head. By that time I knew something big was going to go down. He screamed so loud that every person on the playground heard it. He ran to his home and I got out of there as quickly as I could. I went to the playground so I could see what would happen. I called my brothers to the playground not only for safety but also for front row seats. I thought that the thugs would run but they had the guts to stay.

Out of no where we saw a man with a hammer walking as fast as he can to the court. He screamed at the thugs and threatened them. One the thugs got up and put his wrist in his pans. His intention was to pull out a gun but he kept it I there waiting for the moment. His kids ran back to the field as well as their mother. The mother go in front of the thug to cool him down. But nothing worked, she started crying but the thug pulled out the gun and we were astonished. He pointed at the thug and said " your time has come, you got any last words". Before the man said anything he shot him in the head. The mother screamed call 911 the neighbors came out and cops came from every side of the street. So the thug was trapped. The cops came out with caution and they pulled out their guns ready to fire. An ambulance took the mans body and a cop escorted the mother and the children to a ambulance truck. The thug dropped his weapon and they ran at him and jumped him aggressively. They questioned him but he wouldn't talk. The thug who was sleeping during this whole incident woke up right after the thug fired the gun.

Our mothers came to pick us up because these thugs did something else in our neighborhood. They broke down a wooden barrier trying to get inside a house. The fence was shot at and it was out of place. We found out that these thugs were in a gang and the house that they tried to get into the mother had couple of sons and one of her son was part the gang. The son was on trial for a crime he committed when he was 17.

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