Paper Folds | Teen Ink

Paper Folds

June 12, 2014
By naomi139 BRONZE, El Paso, Texas
naomi139 BRONZE, El Paso, Texas
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

During elementary my teacher gave my class and me a paper heart, one per person, and they told us to fold the paper as many times as we could. They then told us to unfold it and straighten it out, and make it look as if we had never folded it in the first place. Everyone tried, but of course the heat never looked as it did in the beginning. The lesson that day was that the heart is a very weak thing and every time we hurt a person we cause little “folds” in their heart. At that time I didn’t really care about the activity, because I assumed that everyone was nice to each other and the world was perfect. As I grew up I started to understand that the folds are scars that people leave behind in your heart every time they damage your heart, and sometimes they don’t even notice or care. The worst part is that some scars don’t go away with a blink of an eye. Sometimes those scars stay on your heart forever. Those permanent scars cause you to become bitter and start to make you believe that the people who have never hurt you will. That fear starts eating you up until you start separating yourself from the crowd, and from the people you love. At this time you remember the life lesson your teacher in elementary tried to teach you, but by now it’s far too late.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Jun. 25 2014 at 11:53 pm
naomi139 BRONZE, El Paso, Texas
1 article 0 photos 1 comment
True but you known there's a person who can unfold your heart and make it new.  They say time will cure everithing, but isn't true God  is....