Lost in the Moment | Teen Ink

Lost in the Moment

June 13, 2014
By persianimmortal BRONZE, Portland, Maine
persianimmortal BRONZE, Portland, Maine
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Philosophers often say life is to be lived for the moment and risks are to be taken.
For the most part I find that to be true and meaningful. Three years back in when I still lived in Atlanta, Georgia I experienced living life at its fullest for one moment. For a brief time I realized that taking risks pays off even if I didn't active the goal I was headed for. It's not so easily to come across a situation where you're able to step up and prove yourself without any fear. I came along an opportunity and I took my chances and simply let life carry my ambition. During my 13th birthday I decided to take a small risk and embrace the dangers it may have.

It was a beautiful September Saturday morning, the trees were slowly changing color to orange and yellow while preparing for heat of the summer to slowly disappear. I was getting ready for my birthday party which was in a few hours and I was excited as ever.

My mother had just came back from the bakery with my birthday cake. It was a Pirates of the Caribbean-themed cake in which I was not too particularly proud of considering I was no longer a child, or at least in my book. But who could blame her, I was still my mother's little boy. I was helping cleanup my room while my father hung up the decorations such as the balloons. I was working exclusively hard because I didn't want to worry about a thing once my buddies were here. In fact I wanted this birthday to be one that I would remember and look back at for at least years if not my whole life; plus it was my last chance to enjoy myself without worries of homework before school started the next week. All I knew was that it was going to be a big deal or at least amongst my friends. Around noon most of my buddies where there except for my best friends who were two brothers, Trevor and Tyler who's presence was essential in my mind. An hour later and still no sign of them so I decided to give them a call "ding dong" we heard the the sound of the door bell as I was dialing their number.

The whole gang was there and the fun began immediately. Everyone started singing happy birthday as the cake arrived and every though I wasn't looking forward to hearing it, it felt good knowing that my family and friends were there for me; even my one year old baby sister. Before cutting the cake I made a wish to be able to step out of my comfort zone unlike the previous years. After eating finishing the cake the fun began. At first my friends and I played video games and competed against one another. Later, we watched a movie and ate popcorn while making jokes and laughing. Also It was a blast playing outside with water balloons or chasing after my dog. In the afternoon, we headed for Apple Bee's where I ate a great meal of steak and mashed potatoes. The taste of the steak was unforgettable. Next up was a place that we were all excited for: the paintball arena.

As soon as we arrived my friends and I were blown away by the intensity and realism of the combat. The arena looked like a total war zone. We each purchased a paintball gun with the proper gear such as the vest and helmet. The instructor guided us through the arena and we each tested our guns to make sure we knew how to handle ourselves. After seeing the smoke coming out the barrel we realized that this wasn't what we had expected and it was more serious than what we had previously thought. "Guys This looks like it could really hurt" said Jacob, we all replied "don't be such a cry baby, it'll be fun" but we know we were only kidding ourselves. The instructor even warned us that "paintballs are very dangerous and if it comes in contact with your eyes you'd be blind for life". Although the paintballs were rock solid I'm sure he was only letting us know to ensure we listen and don't break any rules. Before we knew it we were in the arena ready to go against each other we broke of into teams of three and decided to play two games of capture the flag and a third if we had enough time.

The first round was unsuccessful on our part yet we had lost despite avoiding getting shot. On the second round I was a complete failure but my team was able to carry the victory. It was game time, the third round, the tie breaker and it was time for me to prove my self and show my bravery. The plan was to scout my team while they went for the flag. 10 seconds in and Tyler was down. Trevor was takings heavy fire so I needed to do something before he was down too. At that moment I decided to man up and attack the enemy head on in order take their attention away from Trevor. I got up and shouted "take the left flank and grab the flag". I started running forward while exchanging fire with the other team. It was in that moment where nothing could stop me from a hiving my goal. I felt the adrenaline rush going throw my vanes and for one moment I felt completely unstoppable. If I was to go down I was taking everyone else with me. It seemed insane but I kept moving and I was not willing to give up until my teammate had control of that flag.As I dived into the other team's base I heard it "got it" Trevor said proudly; and that's all I needed to hear.

I had done my job; I sacrificed myself for the team and it felt right.

Later it turns out that I was in fact shot..multiple times but I didn't feel a damn thing because I was lost in the moment with no regrets. I was living for the moment and that moment was irreplaceable. There are times in life where you have to take a risk no matter how insane or idiotic it may look or no matter how small that risk may be.

At the end I did step out of my comfort zone and I'm going to remember that birthday for a long time; that's for sure.

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