Summer Farmg | Teen Ink

Summer Farmg

June 13, 2014
By Ben Reynolds BRONZE, Portland, Maine
Ben Reynolds BRONZE, Portland, Maine
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It started as just something my grandparents did for fun. Then my mother ended up living her childhood at this farm/house. This place is located in Dayton,Pennsylvania and was owned by my great: grandfather before he died about six years ago. He lived to 96, so it was a pretty good life. After my great grandfather died, the ownership went to my great uncle and grandmother. Every single year as I was a kid and until I was 13 I would go to this farm with all my relatives for about 1-2 weeks. We would have so much fun just doing whatever we wanted in this low population town located almost in the middle of nowhere. One of the things we would do is just drive around on this golf cart we owned around the city right on the streets. Sometimes I wish we could just live up there for the entire summer sometimes.

The one week that made it really fun was fair week in August. The fair was right down the street and was really never crowded, which was nice. This fair had so many things to do like rides,food,games, but one of my favorite things to do was playing bingo.They had this huge hall just filled up with people playing bingo and every board costed 25¢ and if you won you could get about $20 sometimes if there were a lot of people playing at that time. Some of the most fun times I had as a kid was just driving our way to Pennsylvania. It was a 12 hour ride, and trust me, felt like the entire summer, but my cousins made the car ride much more enjoyable.

I remember one time I was in the car and my grandmother and my mother ran in to Walmart and my cousin who was about 16 at the time with me in the car and I was about 11 and my mother told us to not open the door and get out of the car at all because this place was really sketchy. So 5 minutes passed just carelessly sitting there and we started to feel a little hot. My cousin felt it too. We thought nothing of it because we thought my mother and grandmother would be out soon. 15 minutes had now passed and we were dying and didn't dare to open the doors because we were scared. The heat started to be unbearable and every moment longer we had to spend in that car we thought we were one step closer to death! It had to be at least 30 minutes before my mother walked out and we were so dead by that point we didn't notice them. We fled out the doors faster than a cat in a bathtub filled with water. Although this was a very painful experience it was also memory that I will always remember I had so many memories from going to Pennsylvania on that farm. My great uncle, who's a pilot, brought my cousin and I to an island that his friend lives on one summer for about six days and it was so much fun. They had 4 golf carts to just drive around the island. About a year ago, my great uncle passed away and the ownership went to my grandmother but, my other uncle wanted ownership of the farm for his own family so he fought for it in court. Eventually we came to conclusion that we had to end up selling the farm to one of our really good friends up there. His family bought the farm because it was much bigger and a better house for them. They were also Amish. I really wish we could go up there again some summer but we would have no place to stay for all of us even though we have a lot of family and relatives up there. We thought about maybe renting a RV or two for one summer and heading up there for a week or two to go to the fair and enjoy all the things they have up there.

Some of the best memories as a kid was up there. Kids always have that memory that they remember as a kid and what they enjoyed growing up. Something special and that is what this farm meant to me. My cousins where some of the best people to be around they were all so funny and could always make me laugh. One of the best parts about this small town is I probably had 20-30 relatives alone that lived in this town. Being at this farm during the summer was so good that I can just remember almost every I spent there because it meant so much to me and was a special memory to not just me but my entire family. It's really the only time we had all year where my whole family would come together because that's where we held the family reunion every four years. I barely get to see some of my cousins and family members much because they all either live very far away from me or are in college or even one of my really close cousins that I basically spent a lot of time with at my grandmothers is in the army now and I only get to see him maybe once a year now.

I sometimes wonder if some kids had some place that meant as much to me as it did them like this farm. It's just something that just never really got old. This is the kind of situation that makes you really enjoy life and take out all the stress out of whether it's school your going through or work. It was the highlight of my summer nearly every year. It's extremely hard to go the summer without going up there now that our family doesn't own it. I really enjoyed hanging out with my cousins,going to the fair very single day to enjoy everything they had there and just the fact of hanging out with my family was awesome. I really wish some summer soon again I get to go up to the farm again and bring up some old memories of me growing up.

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