Christmas Eve | Teen Ink

Christmas Eve

June 1, 2014
By Anonymous

Christmas brings images of snowy days, hot apples cider and busy holiday shopping. For me though, hearing the word Christmas conjures up one main picture. Namely, our Christmas Eve family get-togethers. Hopelessly chaotic with an ever-growing number of young cousins—peace on earth is the last thing on anyone’s mind. A play is always in the works, gifts given, and towards the end of the night, eggnog is served and everyone gathers round to hear their favorite rendition of The Night Before Christmas.

Periodic blasts of brisk air strain across the room as family starts to arrive. Shrieks of excitement rise above wafts of Jingle Bells as cousins greet each other. Uncle Tom finds his customary stretch of couch and settles down as aunts pour half glasses of wine to drink while slaving in the kitchen. Little kids dart in and around the grown-ups’ legs to steal hard candy, giggling when they’re caught.

Once the food is set out, it’s game time for the adults. Meanwhile, the cousins gather in the basement for last-minute play instructions and first-time rehearsal. The basement has served, since the beginning of time, as the base for all things kid. A wooden bar swing hangs down the from the high ceiling in the middle of the main room, the wood worn smooth by generations of little hands. To the right of the swing are two doors leading to bedrooms that now serve a mightier purpose. Those huble rooms have been recruited into service for the Crusin Cousin Productions. Strictly off limits to all little kids, the rooms serve as the backstage area and are keepers of costumes, props and makeup.

Little kids always somehow manage to break into the forbidden rooms and run through the basement with stolen props before they receive a warning from a solemn-faced older cousin that Santa won’t come and they won’t get a cookie unless they sit down and listen. The band of untamable ragamuffins quickly becomes a group of (relatively) perfect angels.

It’s ten minutes until show time and ten little faces stare attentively at the director prowling in front of them, half out of fear, half because of the cookie promised to them if they behave. Pieces of Christmas music are floating down from upstairs along with tempting smells of honey-baked ham. The raucous chatter of adults can suddenly be heard at the top of the stairs and Kate quickly dismisses the group and disappears into the bedroom that serves as backstage. Lights dim and the play begins. Excitement rishes through cast members waiting backstage for their cues. Adults laugh and boo at the appropriate spots and most everyone remembers their lines. All too soon, it’s over and the adults troop back up the stairs, the Christmas spirit renewed.

Luscious flakes of soft snow have started falling outside, just discernible in the quickly fading light. The kids have fathered underneath the picture window and adults hand out presents wrapped in multicolored paper and bright ribbons. Youngest gets to go first and soon fistfuls of wrappings are flying through the air. Adults perform a sort of wild dance as they attempt to weave between presents and pick up the scattering of paper.

Once all the presents have been opened, and gifts properly exclaimed over, eggnog is the next order of business. The frothy goodness is poured into outstretched glasses, nutmeg sprinkled over the top. Mouths start to water as each glass is filled—no one can drink until after the toast. When all the glasses are finally filled, everyone gathers closer and raises their glasses in a toast to Christmas Eve. Eggnog in hand, Grandpa sits down on the rug in the middle of the floor, The Night Before Christmas balanced on one knee. Bleary-eyed grandchildren snuggle close and wait to hear the familiar words read to them in his deep, rich voice.

Families gradually wander home to await the arrival of Santa in the comfort of their beds. The chaos is over for another year. The play has been performed, gifts unwrapped, eggnog drunk and The Night Before Christmas read. And that warm feeling that starts somewhere near your heart, and can never quite be explained, is resonating through everyone.

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