The Bad Work Day | Teen Ink

The Bad Work Day

September 11, 2014
By MarshDaze BRONZE, Bryant, Iowa
MarshDaze BRONZE, Bryant, Iowa
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“At the age of 18, I made up my mind to never have another bad day in my life. I dove into a endless sea of gratitude from which I’ve never emerged.” I just hope this quote from Patch Adams comes true when I turn 18, especially if I’m working. Usually, working at McDonalds is usually not too exciting, but the good kind of not exciting. But for this one day, everything seemed to spiral out of proportion and it seemed like I was working at a place where nobody (well almost nobody) liked you and you had the most horrible boss in the world. For this story, I will be changing names to protect the identities of everyone involved.


I was getting ready to go to work at the most upscale place ever: McDonalds. “Well, here we go” I said, hopping into his red car and turning on the radio. Today, he was to work for 5 hours, 5 to 10 P.M. that night. I arrived a little early, I text my parents that I made it and goes in and waits. Once it’s 5:00 P.M., I go to a register, punches in so the boss knows that I’m working, washed my hands, and sees what my duty is. “Ugh, grill again” I said, sighing. In my mind, I wished he could work some other job, like the front counter or the drive thru. It’s all hands on deck time, meaning everyone is to be working. I keep receiving orders left and right. “Put down some regular patties” ”Put down some quarter patties””Hey, can you cook up some bacon?””Hey, make some onions”. The orders keep flying in, like if someone was spamming your email. I couldn’t keep up, which made some of the other workers mad. I think “Geez, I’m trying my best. Why don’t they see that?” I start to feel frustrated. But then, among the workers who think they could do a better job at grill than me, comes a savior. “If you ever need any help, just let me know”. I had a look at his name tag. It read “Keith”.  ”I-I sure will” I said with a semi smile. I then felt relieved. I now know that I can count on someone to help me when things get busy. So, the order kept flying in, all the same thing, but the jobs are getting done faster thanks to the help of Keith. Rush soon ends, the time is 7:00 PM. I look at the clipboard and I read what my chores are for my shift: clean the restrooms and drink station. I was able to clean the drink station with ease, wiping down the counter and napkin depressors. But, when I tried to get the supplies to clean the bathroom, his boss approaches him. “I can’t let you do that”. I was confused. “W-why?” I asked. “You get off at 10, right?” his boss asks. “Yeah” I said. “Well you shouldn’t be doing chores until 9?. This made me confused. In my mind, I thought “Why can’t I do my job and, if I finish early, just do little jobs on the side until his shift was over?” But I don’t ask my boss this, for fear I might get in trouble. So, I tried to find something else to do. But with no luck, all the other people are doing other jobs. I just start walking around, starting to feel frustrated again. He starts thinking thoughts or things he could say to his boss, but couldn’t since the thoughts would be too mean to say to the person and might get me fired. The boss keeps yelling at him, “GET BUSY”! In my mind, I think “HOW? Everyone else took the other jobs; let me do my chores at least!” Eventually, the boss lets me go home early, not even getting a chance to do my other chore. I grab my things, punches out, and I walks to my car, angry. “Man, that has got to be the worst workday ever!” I said as I get in my car. I start it up and I drive home, hoping that the next time I works won’t be as bad.


It’s now been 6 days after that bad day. My parents were camping somewhere else so that means I was home alone for the night. I turn on the TV and flip it over to channel 6. The intro music to The Tonight Show started playing. Suddenly, there was a buzz on my phone. It was a text from my mom. “Watching jimmy?” the text read. I flip my phone open and the clicking of keys was heard. “Yea” I responded, sending the text. Another buzz was heard. “I meant to ask u did u check toby’s water?” Toby is our pet dog. I responded “I did and he is doing well”. I hit the send button. Yet another buzz was heard. “Ok thank u~ going to bed after monologue?”. I responded with a simple “probably”, but then, I thought about telling her what was on my mind about the last work day. So, I added onto the text. “Say, can I tell you something that has been on my mind?”. The sending sound was heard. I received another response. “Sure”. I then begin to tell her what my pink brain was thinking about. “Well, I’ve been thinking about it for a while, and I feel like I want to quit working at McDonalds. I say this because I’ve really lost interest in it and, remembering the last time I worked, it was the worst”. I sent it. It was a little bit of a longer wait this time. Suddenly, the familiar buzz was heard. “What happened the last time u worked?” my mom texted. I then proceeded to tell her what had happen to the best of my ability. “Well, it seemed like everyone at work was against me that day, especially Cindy. She wouldn’t let me do my required chores that day when we got time. Also, she sent me home really early and I hadn’t got a chance to do any of my chores”. I send it. There was an even longer wait. I was worried about what she would say. Finally, I get a response. It was a long one. “Yea it sounds like Cindy is not very nice. Go to work on Saturday and when we get home dad and I will talk to you about what is best and what will make u happy. Fair enough?”. I said “Yea :)”. She responds with “If u get sent home on Saturday early don’t worry about it we still love you. Have sweet dreams” The sweet dreams was for when I went to bed. I said “ok”.  Her last text of the night read “Love you”. I smile and i send my last text of the night. “Love you too”. I go to my bed; the creaking of the stairs was heard. I just lay there, hoping that the next work day would be a better one.

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