The Stranger in the Photo is Me (My Version) | Teen Ink

The Stranger in the Photo is Me (My Version)

September 30, 2014
By marinabeale BRONZE, Chicago, Illinois
marinabeale BRONZE, Chicago, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“Controlling others—winning—is more compelling than anything (or anyone) else.”
― Martha Stout, The Sociopath Next Door

We live in a world today where any moment in time can be captured and saved to be appreciated in the future. Every family has taken a family photo, every kid at school receives graduation picture, hopefully.  In contradiction, there is a whole new world out there where pictures are not taken in a posed fashion and more to capture beauty without faking a smile or positioning your hands on your hip in a way that best compliments your waistline. These photos are described as being candid. Personally, I am most fond of these photos because they reveal people feeling comfortable in their own character.

Ever since I was young and I ventured in the bliss of my innocence, I’ve always had a special admiration for nature. Our environment is a beautiful place that we should take time of our everyday lives to treasure and recognize what a divine place we live in,  and that is exactly what this photograph is rendering. Looking back on this photo I observe how natural this photo is. I seem to be very content in the essence of nature, which I still am today. I remember the day this photo was taken at a park by my house by a certain garden that is dear to my heart. My parents always use to take me there because they adore nature as much as I do. So I sit there in the park and come across some beautiful petunia white flowers in full bloom. I can imagine the look on my face would be a smile from cheek to cheek.
Nostalgia is an immense and inexpressible feeling. Reminiscing is undeniably a large part of my constant day

dreaming. Whenever I’m sad or just simply very bored I think back to the extraordinary moments in my life. Now, I can’t say that this photo was taken at one of the most important moments in my life but I can say that this photo illustrates me, and my character, very well.

  I always look back at myself at the dawn of my existence and how innocent I used to be. This photo not only manifests my innocence by the clothes I’m wearing or how young I was, but also by the expression on my face. My expression conveys the emotion of wonder.  I currently do not accommodate the emotions of wonder and cluelessness as I used to. Words cannot limn how much I yearn to feel this emotion once again. The culprit of this dirty deed is time. As time passes on we never seem to discern the small moments in life. I am gleeful to say that I have had some optimal events in my life. Most caught on camera, others just remembered.

     Many aspects have changed since this photo was taken, some for better, some for worse. As time went on I have grown to be older, more knowledgeable, and more appreciative of the world around me, I lost my innocence to become just an adolescent.

     Another thing that has changed in time is the lifestyle I once lived and the kind I live in now.  I used to be a cheerful child filled with amazement for the world, and a child with a very happy family. Now, the amazement and joyfulness has now shifted into being cynical. My life this past year has been everything but easy. Being a child of an alcoholic is scarring and very traumatic, and has emotionally tore me apart.  My father’s alcoholism has now led to a brutal separation. This also carries along the current rule that I am and have not allowed to contact my father, which leaves me completely clueless.

     This photo displays a great deal of how my life used to be: simple. That is why this photo is so significant to me and who I am today. Such a simple and candid photo can evoke so much emotion in the person reminiscing. It can bring back memories of enjoying the luxuries of being a young and naive child and all the joy I spent living my years of youth. This also leaves me to compare my life then and now and how it will be in the future.

The author's comments:

An emotional essay I wrote for my AP LAng Class, dug deep.

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