Getting stuck in the Wyoming Desert | Teen Ink

Getting stuck in the Wyoming Desert

October 8, 2014
By scrazytrain675 BRONZE, Lakewood, Colorado
scrazytrain675 BRONZE, Lakewood, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"don't cry because its over,smile because it happened"

I was 7 years old, I was in the car driving with my Mom, 2 brothers, Sister, and my moms friend, and her kids. We were driving in the desert when all of a sudden we heard a “BANG” 

We start to see smoke coming from the under the hood! I was thinking in my head that were going to be here for a while. Everyone got out of the car to investigate what just happened. My mom popped the hood and we found out the engine overheated and we had NO cell phones, only 2 bottles of water, and 2 bags of trail mix!I was freaking out because it was only 5 hours till dark, and we had hardly any food or water!

We see that it was becoming dark, and fast! We sent my sister and one of my moms friends kid named travis went to try and find help. It is now 8:00 and my sister and travis had been gone for two hours, and we still hadn't seen them! We are all worried now and we are out of food and water. My throat felt like the desert itself, hot and dry! All of sudden I felt energy leave my body, and I crumpled to the ground. and I fall to the ground. I was worried that we would have to stay there all night long! My mom told me that I had slept for about 1 hour, but now I was thinking I should stay up just in case someone came and found us. It is now dark and all of a sudden we see headlights of a car in the distance! and wave  “help!” we all scream
our arms! The car saw us and we ran (I think thats the fastest I’ve seen my mom run before!)

We get to their car and we said our engine overheated and they said “Well we can only take 3 of you” and when they said that I thought I was going to break down and cry! We were 1 hour away from Rock Springs ( a town in south-western wyoming) was thinking in my head that we were going to be here for another 2 hours! I started to cry  as I was sitting in the car. Into our wait we saw a wolf walked across the road in front of our car, and it had 2 cubs! We all stayed quiet while we saw the beauty of nature pass right in front of us! That wolf gave us some hope that we will be alright. Even though wolves can hurt you there is still a lot of beauty in them. 2 hours have passed by and we see no sign of A car or anything, We start to get worried but all of a sudden we see headlights and we are so relieved and  My moms best friend shannon even brought a tow truck! When we get back in Rock Springs, we go to mcdonalds to get some food and drinks. Everyone is so relieved that we are all together after that crazy mess.

While in the desert I realized that next time we go somewhere we should be prepared and organized. I learned also that nature can be beautiful and harsh at the same time. Now we all just look back at it and laugh. We will always remember the time when we all got stuck in the wyoming desert.



The author's comments:

This is the time I got stuck in the desert its just a fun little slice of my life that I put together

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