culture shock | Teen Ink

culture shock

October 9, 2014
By Anonymous

What do you do when the person you admire and looked up to as a role model is faced with a hard time and you can't do anything to help them. Your cousin had just left for college and hates it but you remember all the good days and some of the harder days. You see them struggle and it’s like you can feel their hardship and trials as if they're your own.

You can watch them try to turn the situation into the better as they always did before but they can't this time.

And that’s all you can do is watch.

Watch as they spit quotes of wrath, spite, and self-despair

But you wait.
You wait as you know they would have wanted you to.

So they can face adversity individually as one and find their self. 

As you wait for them to adapt and overcome as you know they will, as they always have.

As the circumstances slowly change in the favor and they adapt to their new environment like they are an animal out of their natural habitat who is not scared, but confused and you know with time that they will achieve and only with time can they self-actualize and become the best of their being.

They are surrounded by what they perceive as incompetence but they don’t realize is a different viewpoint that they've not yet viewed from and need to accept the differences and views of people from different cultures and backgrounds.

When he returned home for a weekend i was elated to see him and he was just as excited to see my brother, sister, and me. we went to a football game and he explained while sitting in the backseat “the school work isn’t bad, it’s just like high school but the people are terrible.”  he exclaims “he sits there and has to look for cowboy/work boots to find his program.

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