Moments | Teen Ink


October 24, 2014
By Aleman BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
Aleman BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I've always loved it when someone or even you, can remember a certain memory so clear and you and your friends can experience that feeling right as both of you guys bring the memory back up when speaking ,and it feels like it happened yesterday and you can share this moment with another person. I've had these moments countless times with my friends and its probably the best feeling that you could get. But just like this, you can express in a picture! It really took me a while to understand the meaning of a photograph, too many people are forsaking photos for cheap moments that they snapped a picture of.Yes you can take pictures of things in a artistic way, but when people just point and shoot and call them self a photographer, it drives me nuts!

This summer was really,the development period of my photography skills.Yes, this sounds silly but you must practice and see who you are in photography.I always wanted to get into photography and I was always told “You've got an eye for art” and i do, but it wasn't until this summer until I went out and bought a good camera.I started off shooting on my phone, or a power-shot Sony camera, but this wasn't cutting it, so i knew i had to get a DSLR. Which is the best type of camera you could start with. DSLR stands for “Digital Single Lens Reflex”,to make it simple,DSLR is a digital camera that uses mirrors to direct light from the lens to the viewfinder, which is the little hole at the top that shows you what you're pointing your camera at. DSLR is an all manual camera and can be automatic. But anyways my friend already had a DSLR camera and i started shooting with it and I started to get really inspired and so this kind of gave me a huge want, to dig into photography. So this summer I purchased a canon t5i dslr camera, and i loved it !On summer days I would go out and long board around and photograph all around town with my friend Brennan, and Id go out at night and go to this famous spot, known as “the garden” its got a ton of flower’s and pretty nature sights , me and Brennan would just kinda hang out there and treat it like it was a lounge area for just chilling and super deep long conversations. It was at that very moments where id just discover how much a photo could do to a person’s perspective or feelings.You can make a person feel good, bad or uneven.

I started getting really into it, in the middle of the summer, I started shooting way more and trying new stuff and when doing that i found out how much i hate easy, common photographs, I realize i'm never gonna be always unique but i don't want to be common.To be common, is to blend in.I don't want to blend in, I want to be known.  

The author's comments:

This peices expresses my passion for photography 

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