My bike ride | Teen Ink

My bike ride

October 26, 2014
By corieshaw BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
corieshaw BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In the year 2005, I was 6 years old.  It was a nice and beautiful day.  The sun was shining, the wind was blowing, and the leaves on the trees were moving.  Kids were outside enjoying the day.  The kids were laughing, smiling, running around, and having a great time.  I was outside as well with my dad, he was teaching me how to ride my purple and pink bike for the very first time.  It was pretty scary.

“Corie come get on your bike, i’m going to teach you how to ride it” my dad said.  Before I started practicing how to ride my bike, my dad told me he wasn’t going to let go of me unless I told him otherwise.  My dad was holding on to the back of my seat as i started pedaling, I started picking up speed, and as I was going faster and faster I looked back and noticed my dad let go of me, I started losing balance and in a blink of an eye, I noticed I was on the ground crying with the bike on top of me. I was so upset and devastated that my dad let go of me, I didn’t think he would sense my dad said he wouldn’t.  He lied to me I didn’t think I could trust him after that.
I decided to give my bike one more shot and my dad one more chance.  I was going to get back on my bike until i looked down and saw blood running down my leg.  I went in the house and told my mom I was bleeding but I didn’t know where it was coming from. “come here lets take a look” mom said.  I walked over to her and she was scoping out my body trying to see where the blood was coming from.  “does it hurt anywhere in particular” mom asked in a curious voice.  “yes” I said and pointed at my thigh.  So my mom took a look  and found the spot i was bleeding from.  “you’re bleeding from the inside of your thigh” she announced out loud.  “oh my gosh, Corie there is a chunk of skin missing from your inner thigh. We have to put medicine on it before it gets infected”.  I layed on my moms bed and she applied neosporin to my open wound.  It burned really bad.  I grabbed my moms blanket  and squeezed it so I didn’t scream from the horrible, horrible pain I felt from my mom applying the medicine to my gross, bloody, and disgusting wound. After she stopped and finished applying the medicine to my horrible injury that I got from falling off my bike she put a bandaid on it so the medicine would stay on my gashed open leg and didn’t dry out.
After my mom put the bandage over the neosporin that was on my bike accident she told me to sit down and take a break so I said “okay”.  I took a ten minute break and decided to go give my bike another try.  I got up, walked outside and seen my dad sitting on our red wooden porch.  When we first moved in, it was 2004 and the porch was wooden and brown.  My parents didn’t like it so they decided to paint the porch burgundy red.  My dad was sitting on the porch and I went out there and said “hey dad i’m ready to give my bike another shot”. “you are?” my dad said with excitement, “yeah” I said with a big smile on my face.  we stood up and walked over to my bike.  I reached one leg over my bike so a leg was on each side, I sat down and my dad started pushing me and I started pedaling….I was really getting the hang of it this time.  “dad let go!” “you sure?” “yes, dad let go!”, my dad let go and I was riding my bike all by my self. The wind was blowing through my hair and I had the biggest smile on my face that anyone could ever imagine, my smile went from ear to ear. I was so proud of my self.  Also thanks to my dad I wouldn’t of been able to do it without him. 
It was getting late outside so my mom called my name to come into the house and get cleaned up to get ready for bed.  I put my bike in the back yard and went in the house. After I got cleaned up I told my parents goodnight and went to bed.  I woke up the next day and looked outside, it looked like the same as yesterday. The sun was shining bright the wind was blowing and the leaves on the trees were moving the only thing different was that there wasn’t all them kids outside, im pretty sure they were still sleeping.  When I woke up my parents were out in the living room watching tv.  As soon as I walked out into the living room the first thing that I asked was “mom, dad can I go outside and ride my bike?”. They said sure and they went outside to watch me ride my bike.  “wow you are really getting the hang of it aren’t ya?” my parents said. ‘yup I sure am” I replied with a smile on my face. I rode my bike for the rest of the day until I had to go in to get ready for bed all over again. I had a blast riding my bike all by myself. 
I thought to myself “I’m so happy I didn't give up if I would have given up I wouldn't have learned how to ride my bike”.  So im 16 years old as im writing this right now and I realized that by giving up all the time you don't really get any where you just stay in the same place and don't move.  Just like reading a book if you stop reading you don't get anywhere you stay on the same page and don't move forward. That’s why I decided to trust my dad to teach me how to ride my bike again because if I didn’t get over the fact that he let go of me and let me fall I wouldn’t have learned how to ride my bike.  It may take a day or a month to accomplish what you want to accomplish but eventually you will accomplish what you are headed for it just takes time. So my advice to you reading this is don't give up keep trying because eventually it will all be worth it.  IT JUST TAKES TIME.

The author's comments:

I'm hoping people learn to not give up and they keep trying until they succeed because if you give up you won't accomplish anything.

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