The Danger of Adeventure | Teen Ink

The Danger of Adeventure

October 26, 2014
By Derrick Egli BRONZE, Davisburg, Michigan
Derrick Egli BRONZE, Davisburg, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was a warm sunny day as I was walking with my dog. His name is Charlie. A golden-brown happy go getter dog. He always wants to be doing something never just sleeping or doing nothing. Always has to to be moving. I like to think he just wants to keep going like a crazy workout trainer  hopped up on 4 red bulls after a long night getting in shape for the next video. But on this particular day I was taking Charlie for a walk and this on time on our walk something interested happening. Charlie was full of energy as always so I began to think “Maybe if we went for a run that might tire him out so he won’t bother me to play later.” Then I was just looking for a point for me and him to run to knowing how playful Charlie his I knew he would be able to make it any distance. I saw a mail box up the road and i knew that would be great distance for the two of us to run. I began to pick up the pace a little bit then i began to pull Charlie’s leash and then started to run. You could definitely tell he was happy with the new pace. His breathing was deeper and his paws were moving much faster. I was feeling great as well. The wind blowing in my face and the dirt behind me being kicked up. We continued to pick up the pace faster and faster. We were having the times of our lives. But then all of a sudden Charlie must have gotten a whiff of some smell that he had to figure out. He took a devastating turn to the right to a different mail box. This inturn yanked me the same way he was going. I was bolted into and another direction and right into a ditch it was like my balance just went up in the air and vanished. I ended up falling down and hitting my head sideways on a hard rock about the size of the softball. I felt an excruciating pain through my body and especially in my head. I laid there as the world slowed down and i tried to regain myself. I somehow still was holding onto the leash for charlie even though i was pretty sure i wasn't even there. As i begin to sit up i was back with charlie licking my head. I sat up and felt a warm dripping down my back and neck i stuck my hand on back then looked at it and it was covered in a deep red liquid. I instantly felt sick to my stomach imagining the kind of gash i must have to have this much coming from my head. I sat up as quickly as possible and began to walk home with a extremely brisk pace. I was about a quarter of mile from home. At this point i realized i just broke my head open. I began to walk even faster just imaging the amount of pain this will be to get fixed. I ran up to my door and banged on it has hard as i could. my mother was mortified to see me after she realized how bad it looked. We let charlie in the house as quickly as possible and then the entire houses attention was me. Towels were soaked in blood as we ran out to the car. Eventually when we got to the hospital the bleeding had stopped but my head hurt more than ever. As I continued down the road I began to remember how charlie looked as he had adventures and quite literally dragged me along with him. It made me realize that adventuring can be dangerous. Like on time I climbed up a tree with my friend when we were kist about 6 or 7 and we ended up being stuck at the top and we were to scared to come down. The fire department had to come and get us down. As I finished my panicked walked down the road and up to my house I began began to think to myself maybe I should be a little older before I go adventuring. Then as I knocked on the door maybe mom opened it with a gasp.

The author's comments:

I think about this time everytime I look at my dog.

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