A Thousand Miles | Teen Ink

A Thousand Miles

October 27, 2014
By Ryan Holmes BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
Ryan Holmes BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

As I wake up from a deep uncomfortable nap, I see my friend Nick and my other friend Drew who is in the driver’s seat. I try to sit up in the back seat I have been crammed into, moving various objects like blankets, 12 packs of mountain dew and, a bike ramp, which I was still not sure why we brought on our trip so my legs have room to sit there.

“You woke up just in time, were about to cross into Florida” Nick said.

I was still dazed from the nap, being in the car for eight hours is fairly uncomfortable but the journey would be worth it to make it to our destination. We have been on our way to Panama City beach for spring break vacation, you would think that driving for so long would get boring but when you're with your friends there’s never a dull moment and the time seems to pass by quicker.

After driving for a few more hours we finally made it to our rented house, the moment we have all been anticipating for months now has finally come. I can remember when we first set it up way back in October. Sitting at a table in Leos with a blank sheet of paper and a ball point pen, rambling off ideas of what we could afford and what could give us the best experience. Running into the house was like a 100 meter dash and the gun just went off. Eager to see where we would be staying for the next week. As we ran in the house all going in different directions. I went into the master bedroom quickly taking everything in; I remember seeing this painting on the wall right above the bed. It was of the beach, the sun was setting in the background with elegant shades of orange yellow and red, there were also three kids sitting on beach chairs looking out over the water as if they didn't have a care in the world, I remember thinking “This is going to be us for the next week” while at the same time I heard drew yell “Guys you have to see this, so I quickly turned and darted out the room seeing nick heading to the back door I followed.

Walking out the sliding back door I see Drew, a hot tub, pool, and grille. Everything we could have dreamed for fell perfectly into place. With some daylight still left we decided to head out to the beach down the road and see how it was. All being car sick we decided it was best to find some other way of getting to the beach. On our way out the garage door, a glare suddenly caught my eye, thinking that it was a bundle of fishing poles I did a double

“Nick, Drew, hold on”

“Why?” nick replied

“Check this out!” I said with a smirk on my face.

They came back in the door and we all glared over, seeing three old long boards sitting in the corner of the room.

“Here we go!” Drew said while jumping over a group of boxes labeled “pool supplies”

Riding down the long smooth streets with the wind in our face we all felt as if we were in a movie, like there was no way any of this could really be happening.

To get to the beach we had to cross through a narrow opening in the woods and then you would come out to the opening in the beach and as the sun went down we didn't want to take too long, not knowing if there were rules about being on the beach after night. Walking out into the water made us feel some type of way. The feeling is indescribable after one of the harshest winters we have ever experienced which was still happening back in Michigan, we could finally be in seventy degree weather with the ocean water running through our toes and the cool breeze coming in whistling like a train.

We all sat on the beach and watched the sun set, then waited for the stars to come out. Laying there talking about all of our lives and just laughing having a good time had me feeling different. I have never been able to have such a good time with people and feel freer than being a thousand miles away from my parents and family. All that got me here was 120 dollars worth of gas and the trust that my parents had in me and in my friends knowing we wouldn't do anything stupid or get in any trouble. The feeling you get when you know someone you love has trust and faith in you to make your own decisions is truly an amazing feeling. As we rode our long boards back to the house that night and the cold breeze slapped me across the face again as it did on the way there. I realized that in life you're going to go through issues and face problems but all you need are your best friends and your family to get through anything.

Today looking back on those memories bring back more than just good times. It reminds me that my parents trust me and I couldn't ask for better friends. They will be there for me whenever I need them and I can live my life knowing I have support behind me.

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