Dark days | Teen Ink

Dark days

October 28, 2014
By Anonymous

2005 a really eventful year, with alot going on whether it’d be hurricane katrina which was devastating,or George w Bush being elected again to his second term. A lot happened in 2005 some people might have even called it a good year. But for me it was a horrible year one of the hardest and most trying in my life in fact.I was only 7, I was a playful little child like most kids my age i got along fine with them, but one thing set me apart from most of the rest of them i was oddly mature for my age,knew so many things kids our age would not know until they were older . Like I knew where baby’s came from, and that the silly fantasies we believe as kids like the tooth fairy or santa were all just lies our parents told us for some cruel reason that is beyond me, to me that is like telling someone that doesn’t have long to live they are going to be fine. Summer 2005 is when i came back to Michigan from living with my dad in Texas for a year, and since the day i left Michigan i had two questions “Why is dad in Texas? And why did i live with him for a year?” So i get back and I rea quaint myself back to my Michigan life, I see my family again that i have not seen for a very long time (a year is a eternity to a seven year old). That was nice to see everyone, but my questions still remain unanswered and more arise from coming back. I have seen everyone my grandma , my grandpa , my aunts, and uncles ,my cousins but i still had not seen my mother who i missed the most. Here is where questions arose my dad took me to my moms house and i had no idea where that was, so turns out it’s in Clarkston, Michigan. We pull in the driveway of what is my house today and i was so confused and wanted to ask my dad “when did you have time and the money to buy another house?” We get out of the car and my dad knocks on the door another question arises “why is my dad knocking on his own door?” the door opens and my mom is in the doorway and i just practically “ambush” her with a giant hug and we get aquainted it was like meeting her for the first time and she basically started a game of 20 questions with all the questions she asked me. She asks me how it was like and what i did and how did i do in school (even though she knew already). It was very nice being back but one last huge question arose in the next couple of days and it was “what is going on?” It was odd, my dad wasn’t spending the night at my moms house and would come over all day and leave. Then it hit me! My dad is not with mom anymore and i did not want to believe it was true and tricked myself into believing it was not until the worst day of my life. It was a normal hot summer day until my mom and dad set me down at the table, kleenex in hand and told me that they got a divorce. I did not want to hear it i couldn’t believe it that my suspicions were true.It happened for many reasons I was devastated for a long time they told me many things like it was gonna be fine they wouldn’t fight and would still get along and be a part of my life together as my parents but i didn’t wanna believe it but eventually i made a lot of reason out of it and it all made sense when i put the pieces together like how the did actively talk and both were a part of my life like they promised and since the separation they were the most positive and happy I'd seen them in a long time. I was to learn they got a separation because they began to grow apart because my dad worked so much and it hurt their marriage. But fast forward to today they still continue to keep their promise. And days are not so dark anymore.

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