Dreaming For That Moment | Teen Ink

Dreaming For That Moment

October 28, 2014
By Anonymous

I was 10 years old the first time I ever attempted strapping my feet into bindings and rode down a steep hill, on my brothers old beat up snowboard. My older brother had taken me to Mt. Holly snowboard resort to teach me the basics of snowboarding. He said "first you need to learn how to use the tow rope to get up the hill, take both hands firmly grip them on the rope and make sure your board stays straight. Also, rest your back foot in front of your back binding." I went to give it a try, I grabbed the rope really tight, it yanked me, my board carved under the snow, and resulted in my body being whipped into cold ice chunks. I tried over and over again, and finally after a couple tough falls I managed to make it up the hill. Next, I was taught heel side turns and toeside turns. I started to get the hang of  snowboarding. By the end of the day parts of my body were black and blue from some tumbles i took; the only way to get better is to be brave. . I learned that with lots of practice and hard effort I would be flying down the big slopes in no time.w

When I started to get older around 14, I was riding down the big slopes, and not just that I also started  I got riding jumps and hitting the boxes and rails. I would go everyday after school, I loved snowboarding. I wanted to be as good as my brother, or even better.
The end of the snowboard season came around and i decided to sign up for a competition at Mt. Holly; they always have a big competition at the end of the year with lots of prizes. I knew a lot of my friends were going and it seemed like a cool thing to try. I was nervous, yet very excited for my first competition.
The big day arrived. I got to the resort, bought a lift ticket, and registered. I walked out to the chairlift where I met up with a couple friends. They pointed out the 3 terrain parks for the events, Big air, Rail Jam, and slopestyle. Big air was basically for the insane people who have no fear, it was a 50 ft jump that laid at the bottom of the hill and you had to bomb the whole entire hill just to clear the landing. I thought i’d pass on that one this year. The rail jam was a little park set up with boxes and rails on a small portion of the hill. Slopestyle was a hill that had three jumps and two boxes set up on the long hill.
I decided to start practicing for the railjam because that was the first competition that starts at 3pm. It was packed on the small hill , and mainly with boys. I was thinking of what runs I should do for the short period of time I will have. I practiced a lot while trying not to run into the other 50 kids on the same hill and was ready to begin.
“All girls strap in!”, the announcement echoed through my head while I hurried to get to the top of the slope. The announcer yelled ,“Get  set, go”. My first run I did a boardslide to frontside 180 off the flat box.  Next, I front lipped the rainbow rail, and frontside 180 onto the curve box with a frontside 180 out. I was happiest with that run. I hurried to the rope, then shot up for my last run. I rode the tube and rode down a down rail. The time was up. All I heard was cheering from the bottom of the hill while my mind wandered on the thought, how well had I done?
Everyone meant upstairs to hear the overall scores and collect their prizes. An older man with a microphone said, “And next we have the girls railjam. In first place was Tessa Hacker. In second was Lauren Moore.” I was filled with excitement, I was awarded with second place at my very first competition and was competing against some girls who were 18! The guy handed me a cool neff beanie, a couple shirts, and a lot of stickers. I have never felt so happy in my whole life. Snowboarding had become my new passion.
A famous snowboarder who has inspired me, is Torstein Horgmo. I want to be just like him. He has so much fun doing what he loves, and even gets paid for it. His style was so unique, he always had a huge smile on his face, and he has no fear when trying anything; he is my role model. I thought to myself I need to try my hardest to be my very best at this sport.
As of today, i'm 16 years old and dedicate my whole life to snowboarding. Not only that I dedicate every minute of free time to be on the hill, I work at Pine Knob ski resort as a snowboard instructor. I love my job so much because I get paid to teach a sport that I love. I sigh at the thought that I will be working two jobs this season and am disappointed I unable to go as often this year. I’m joining a league called USASA to compete around the work this year and am so excited. I recently started crossfit to strengthen my body and to have more endurance when snowboarding. I plan to try my very hardest this season to get better. Im ready to go to nationals this year! The sport has became my main passion and completely defines me as a character myself.
Everyone has goals in life, to become rich, fall in love, or even become famous; I want to become a professional snowboarder. It may sound ridiculous. Anyone can tell me that it wont happen or Im crazy, but nothing will stop me from trying to my best capable ability to get better. As my brother always told me, “never give up and always try your hardest to achieve your goals.” Everyday I'm going to work my very hardest, to live up to my dream.


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