Rain=Marching Band Weather | Teen Ink

Rain=Marching Band Weather

October 29, 2014
By Anonymous

No matter how bad things may be, they can always get better but they can also get worse.  Even if something is bad, you can always do better.  You might not be able to change what is happening around you, but you can always push yourself a little bit further than you already are.

I stepped onto the yellow school bus behind Becca.  I stopped at the second last seat on the left with my backpack, instrument case, and uniform bag.  I sat in the seat and waited for GiGi to arrive.  I handed my uniform bag to Nicole and she put it with the rest of the bags. 
Once everyone was ready for departure, and attendance was taken, we left the high school.  GiGi then put on her music.  She asked if i wanted a special request.  I said no.  I looked out the window with my thoughts and watched the rain fall on the road. 
45 minutes later, we pulled into the parking lot of Orchard Park High School.  Once we were parked, Nicole and Becca redistributed our uniform bags. 
I walked into the school to find my designated dressing room.  After getting changed i went back on the bus to setup my instrument and proceed to stretch block. 
Once stretch block was completed, we all went to tune our instruments.  Mr. D. checked our instruments to make sure they were working.  After, we went into groups with our instruments (clarinet) for a pep talk.  Ryan Blunt, our section leader, told us to be our best, don’t forget horn pops, and to rock the show. 
We got into our lines to walk to the field.  I took my position next to Jacklyn.  We marched to the side lines, another band was already on the field.  I turned my back to the band.  It started to rain. 
We got back into our lines, ready to take the field in competition.  The rain started to get harder and faster. We started to march onto the field.  The directors told us to stop. 
The rain turned to sleet and hail.  I was getting pelted by small ice chunks.  It was getting into my eyes and all over our uniforms.  My fingers started to loose feeling.  We just stood there in our lines waiting to see if we were going to do the show. 
The line in front of me started to move.  The directors told us to go under the bleachers and keep warm.  I also blew warm air through my instrument so it wouldn’t crack when I played. 
I found my friends and we made a circle to keep sorta like penguins do.  The hail started to let up but it was still raining.  We were all freezing. 
I told my friends,”Remember what Scott Lang said, ‘Be cold but be good.  Be tired but be good.’ Every minute counts when we’re out on that field.  Just make sure that you’re the best that you can be.” We were still going to do the show. 
We got back in our lines to start the show.  Every part of me was cold, especially my fingers because the clarinets have to have fingerless gloves or the instrument will not make sound.  My finger were numb and i couldn’t find the notes.  We started the show!
When the show was over, I went back on the bus to wipe down my clarinet.  I put it back in the case but left it open to dry.  I went into the school to get changed and waited for my friends to finish up. 
Once they were done, we went to get food.  I only got hot chocolate.  We went back to the buses.  I sat with GiGi and we drove back to LHS.  Our score was 84.05.  We came in first place for our division. 
Scott lang once said,” ‘Be tired, but be good.  Be cold but be good.  Get your head in the game or get off my field!”’  After today, i realized that I should follow that quote throughout my life.  Even though it was hailing, there was no excuse for not being the best i could.  I could not change the weather, but i still could have been better.

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