The Lesson I Learned | Teen Ink

The Lesson I Learned

October 30, 2014
By Katelin2 BRONZE, Davisburg, Michigan
Katelin2 BRONZE, Davisburg, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Be yourself because everyone else is taken" -Oscar Wilde

I think its pretty safe to say that everybody knows of someone who’s life has been affected by cancer. Personally, I know over 20 people who is currently battling cancer, has had cancer, or has lost the cancer battle. I did some research not to long ago and what I found said that 1 in 3 people will develop some type of cancer in their lifetime, thats 88 million people. A very close family friend of mine currently just lost his battle to a very rare form of stage 5 brain cancer. He was a 13 year old boy named Justin. He had just started school and he was beginning to complaining of having headaches, but no one really thought much of it until they started getting worse and worse. After about 22 days of these worsening headaches, his parents decided it was time to take him into the doctor. What they found was horrifying, something that someone would never want to hear. He had a brain tumor the size of a golf ball, and that tumor grew in less than a month. Justin was immediately rushed into surgery to remove what they could of the tumor. Prayers were continuously flowing through my head and I knew that this journey would change my life. Luckily, they were able to successfully remove most of the cancer. Besides the part that was in his brain stem. He was started on chemo and it was working for awhile. Justin loved music and while he was at St. Jude, they allowed him to go into their recording booth and sing while he was playing his guitar. He was recorded, the video was put on youtube, and now has around 50,000 views. These videos are so heartwarming. Before Justin passed away, he was given the opportunity through Make-A-Wish Foundation to do whatever he wanted to do, and he chose to meet all the red wings players. After that, everything went downhill for justin and his family. His Mom was diagnosed with breast cancer, his Dad was recovering from a massive stroke that happened before Justin’s tumor was found, and Justin himself, he cancer spread to his spinal cord. He was so pale and looked so miserable. The doctors tried everything they could, but nothing was working. He was sent home and a “Do not Resuscitate” sign was attached to the end of his superman bed, which was a sign for emergency responders telling them to not go to the extremes to keep him alive. It’s heartbreaking to see that. It gives you an empty feeling when you walk into his room and see him unable to do anything because the cancer was taking over his body. On the morning of August 7, 2014 “Justin passed away” were the words that came out of my Mom’s mouth and I couldn't believe what she was saying. I was devastated. Justin fought for a long and hard year. Seeing everything that Justin and his were going through and are still continuing to go through, changed my life forever. always knew how horrible cancer was but after seeing someone actually fight the battle is unexplainable. This whole experience taught me not to take things for granted. To really enjoy your life, appreciate what you have, and all the people in your life because you never know what will happen tomorrow or even a month from now.

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