Bad News, New Beginnings | Teen Ink

Bad News, New Beginnings

October 30, 2014
By SamyG2001 SILVER, Lancaster, New York
SamyG2001 SILVER, Lancaster, New York
6 articles 0 photos 1 comment

On the one hand, I think “This can be good for her. She’s getting a new job there, her own house. She’ll be where she always wanted to be.” On the other hand, I think about myself, and what will come to me when she’s gone. “I’m not going to see her as often. Life won’t be the the same. Who am I supposed to go on my adventures with now?”


  *    *    *
I walk in the door right after school, knowing I’m going to my grandparents’ house.
“We’re leaving at 4:00!” my mom yells after me as I dash up the stairs to my room.
“What shall I do with my hour at home?” I ask myself.

Doing all my homework right now would be the smart thing to do, but instead I find myself reaching for the remote and watching an episode of Law & Order SVU.

Once the episode is done, and they’ve found the criminal, I hear my mom screech that it’s time to leave.
Quickly, I grab my sneakers and put them on. As well as a sweater because I know if I don’t my mom will blab on and on about how if I don’t go get one, we’re not leaving. With that, I hurry down the stairs and out to the car.

*     *    *

The car ride is the same as usual; tell mom about our day, both me and my sister, then plug in my headphones and turn the volume all the way up and zone out the rest of the way.

Soon enough, I guess, we were there. I run inside her house, and stop for a moment to pet the dogs. Then, run up to my grandmother and hug her, the first one to do so as per usual. No one else is home besides her, the same thing yet again considering she can’t really go anywhere since her stroke. So, I sprawl myself across the couch and take over her tv, Law & Order SVU, nothing out of the ordinary.

“Can I stay here while Jasmine is at dance?” I blurt out to my grandma, even though I know she’ll say yes.
She nods her head, replying with the response I had predicted. So, I continue on with the episode that is currently on, and continue to watch tv even after my mom and sister leave for dance. I also head into the kitchen and stare into the fridge for food, and after several minutes of staring, it seemed as if the pizza that I had unburied had magically appeared.

Walking back into the living room, I hear the back door creak open, because no one ever uses the front door. I check to see who it is, happening to be just my aunt coming home from work, so I turn my head back to the show.

She ends up turning on the Wii, and we play Guitar Hero, me on guitar, her playing drums, until my mom returns with Jasmine.

*    *    *

Once Jasmine has come back my aunt says something immediately almost.

“I have to tell you two something..” she says while looking me straight in the eyes.
With our silence she takes that to begin.

“I’m moving to Ohio in three weeks.” she states, as if it’s nothing important.

“Cool.” Jasmine says without realizing it sounded like she couldn’t care less, or how it will be after she moves.
I stare at her shocked, not wanting to believe what I’d been told. I’m attempting to speak, but can’t find the words to say. So, instead my mouth hangs wide open, tears starting to fill up my eyes. I blink them away, so no one sees them. I don’t want the sympathy they would offer if anyone were to see.

“WHY?!” I scream at myself even though I can’t conjure up an answer to comfort my mind.
The rest of the night, I remain silent.

The author's comments:

Nothing really inspired me to write this piece. Just in ELA class one day, we had to write memoirs and it happened to be the day after my aunt told me she was moving, and I was still upset about it and this is just sort of what came from it. I really hope people get from this that new beginnings like this are okay and shouldn't be feared, but instead embraced.

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