Is it good enough? | Teen Ink

Is it good enough?

November 5, 2014
By abbills16 BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
abbills16 BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
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January 7th, 2014 at a Clarkston wrestling practice. That day was one of the most grueling and agonizing days of my life. That day i had to cut 5 lbs in a practice ... One practice! The sad part is is that thats a normal thing for a wrestler to do cutting any where from 2 to 8 or even 9 pounds  before a tournament. I push through the two huge and heavy, gray metal side-by-side doors with the windows covered up into the wrestling room. Those doors felt especially heavy that day and still to this day I have no clue why they were so heavy. As I had entered I noticed everyone huddled up around together in a tight circle around the scale waiting for their turn to check their weights.

I take off all my clothes and step on the scale  it reads 136.9lbs i need to be at 132 by the end of practice so i look at my teammates and yell “im over and need sweats’’ a disappointed look falls on everyone's face . I look around to see that they had made a pile of clothes for me to put on. There were 2 sweatshirts that were skin tight on me and 2 pairs of sweatpants and a hat it was humiliating to have all that stuff on and try to wrestle but it was my fault i was overweight and i needed to lose it and i only had an hour to do so i got to work i spent the first 5 jogging trying to get nice and hot after that i spent 25 minutes live wrestling and hand fighting and having every varsity wrestler beating the h*ll out of me. After those 25 min that felt like a nightmare that you could never wake up from no matter how hard you tried were up, I spent another 10 minutes doing heavy sprints around the room with a few of the varsity wrestlers running by my side .i had 20 min left of practice  that point i felt like the world was coming to an end  my sweatshirts were both sweat through and sweat was pouring down my face. As I stop to take a breath i hear my coach yelled "BILLS.... You better not be taking a break "
I scream back "no coach I'm not"
"Good now get on the arodines  for the rest of practice". After I heard that my heart sank arodines are the worst thing in the world , but the best way to lose weight so I do it for about 9-10 minutes then stop to check my weight I get off the first sweat shirt with ease, same with the first pair of sweatpants both soaked like I had just put  ran a mile in the rain, the second the last layer was stuck to me like a second skin I needed help to get it off  I strip down to my underwear and step on the scale 131 even. Coach Moscovic laughed and told me to stop because I wouldn't make it. With 5 minutes to go faster then I took it off I put the soaking wet mess all back on again and slowly and depressingly i make my way to the arodin. There was a line of them against the back wall of the wrestling room. The bikes were gray and black with tattered black leather seats some had been there for years lasting the constant use of people like me. The handles were black foam with that rapped around the whole handle, the foam had been worn down to the point where that when you grabbed on your fingers would touch the metal underneath because the foam was grinded away. I hop back on the arodine pumping the pedals like my life depended on it because in all honesty it kind of did. I put my head down in defeat for a split second  to have my team around in a uproar  I only heard a few words out of the chaos. "Pick your head up" , "you can do this Bills" ,"you're stronger than this don't let this beat you".
After hearing all this from my teammates , my family I put all my pain aside and put every ounce of energy and strength into it. I had the wolfs will to survive i pushed through that burning pain in my toughs,the searing unbearable pain in my calf's I pushed through it even when I was a fish out of water gasping for air and couldn't get any I pushed through it. As I got off the arodynes everyone pats me on the back and said "good job" or "way to go Bills. I wearily walk over to the scale and strip off my my water logged shirts and my soggy pants. I step on the scale and it  fluctuates between 130-130.1 it settles on 130  I scream "Yeah!" I made it.
        As I walk down to the locker room i was thinking how hard I had just worked and for what a wrestling tournament that wasnt gonna mean anything to me after this season. That's What I thought at first now I realize that that hard work. Pushed me the next day to go 5-0 pinning 4 out of my 5 kids and going undefeated for the first time ever. I think back to that day to the meet that day before taught me that no matter the mountain I have in front of me I will push through it and that the pain i felt then wouldn't be for anything. To this day it pushes me to be my best in everything I do to the best of my ability. For example right now i'm sitting  on this laptop thinking this story isnt good enough to publish  but i know I put my everything into it like i did that day so i know I did good and t that's what I learned about myself and the reason why I am who I am today.

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my teacher

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