Trust | Teen Ink


November 9, 2014
By Anonymous

I’ve always looked for trust in a great friend because what’s the point of being friends with someone if you can’t trust them? Well sadly people are going to break the trust that you two have built up in a friendship. No one will know that the trust is broken until someone decides to open up their mouth and be honest. For me it happened that way which was probably the worst way to happen even if she was just being honest.
After being “best friends” with someone for almost six years you may think that the trust is so strong and will never be broken, well at least that’s what I thought. In the middle of my sophomore year of highschool I was dating for someone for about six months . My best friend would always tell me to break up with him because he would always comment on her like “you look cute today”. She wanted me to have nothing to do with him but I was naive and refused to do anything about it. Every single day my best friend, my boyfriend and I would always be together but apparently they were spending more time together then I thought. Every night we would drive her home then he would drop me off and say he was going to her house because he left something there. Of course I didn’t think anything of it because this girl has been my backbone forever until then.
One night it was just her and I sitting in her room getting absolutely s*** faced because it was the last day of school and who wouldn’t wanna spend it anyway? Well at this point I wish I didn’t spent it that way because that night she told me everything. She told me to promise her I wouldn’t be mad at her for what she was about to say and of course I promised her because what she said was the last thing I would of expected from her. “I’ve been hooking up with Sean the whole six months you two were dating”... right then and there my heart stopped and I just balled my eyes out. I cried because I loved her like a sister and for her to break my trust over a guy killed me. She always told me everything but for those six months she told me nothing. I trusted her with my life and she just stabbed me in the back the worst way that anyone could ever do to their friend.
Trust was something that killed my friendship and not even that it has permanently scarred me in a way. I say this because now I have no idea who I can trust especially since a six year friendship that was built off of trust was destroyed in a matter of a second. I believe that in order to build a friendship you need trust and you can’t just go out trust people now a days because you can never know who can make you or break you.

The author's comments:

This is a personal piece, that everyone knows someone who can relate to. I hope people will realize that friendship is a very important thing and breaking it is an even worse thing.

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