Out Of The Blue | Teen Ink

Out Of The Blue

November 10, 2014
By lucy mallory BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
lucy mallory BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I snap my head to the direction of the annoying little ringtone from my mom’s phone. “Who’s this?” she said, as she curiously looked at the number and read it out loud to everyone who decided to listen. “Hello” she answered. I sat on the couch leaning in and trying to listen to the conversation in the other room like a fly on the wall. I grew more curious because I could only hear mumbles coming from the other room.

  I casually turn my head to the TV as my mom came frantically scurrying into the family room.”Who was that?” I said.“That was Sarah, the person that your Aunt Patricia works for. She said that your aunt didn't show up for work.” My mom paused and took a long deep breath."She even went to her house….and knocked on the door multiple times......and still no answer. Sarah then panicked and called the police.” Where is she? Is she ok? Maybe she stayed at her boyfriend’s house? “I'm going to your aunt’s house, and I want you guys to stay here,” my mom announced. I couldn't stand not knowing what's going on, so I asked my mom if I could go with her. "Mom let me go with you, please". "Ok..fine", she said.

  My mom and I quickly threw on our stuff and ran out the door and down the street. We were too flabbergasted to talk so we said nothing the whole way there. All you could hear was the pitter patter of our feet slamming against the road and the slight noise of my mom’s jeans rubbing together. As we approached Sashabaw Road we could see two fire trucks, two cop cars, and an ambulance at my aunt’s house. My heart started pumping really fast like it could have burst out of my chest at any moment. At this moment I didn't know what to think.
My eyes lit up in amazement as  I passed the giant, apple red firetruck with tools all over the sides along with the company's logo on it. As I got to the end of the fire truck my attention turned to the midnight black cop car with the words “Oakland County Police” on the side. I gazed at the bars surrounding the back windows that hold humans like caged animals at the zoo. My attention turned to the front of the vehicle were three cops surrounded it with an unknown blonde lady who looked to be about in her late 20s or early 30s and a man who looked to be about the same age as her.

  As we got closer,one of the cops asked “Can I help you ma'am?” “Yes I’m Pauline, the one who received the phone call from Sarah.” As soon as my mom said that, the blonde lady approached us with the man not far behind her. “Hello, you must be Pauline, I'm Sarah and this is my husband David.” ”Yes, nice to meet you” my mom said. “I'm sorry we had to meet like this,... but I didn't know what else to do,” she worried. “Patricia didn't show up for work and didn't tell me she couldn't come. I called her just to make sure everything was ok….but she never answered. After a few calls I got concerned and came over here.I knocked on her door and still no answer. I didn't know what to do, so I called your sister Ann, but she didn't answer the phone. Then, I remembered she had a sister that worked in the church, so I called your work and one of your co-workers gave me your number.”Well, I'm glad you found me,” she announced with joy.

  Out of the corner of my eye, I saw some cops approach us. “I hate to interrupt ma'am, but can we ask you a question,” one of the cops asked. “sure,” piped my mom. “we couldn't get in through the door, so we were wondering if we could break through the window?’ I guess so,” she answered. A few minutes later,we heard the sound of shattering glass. Firefighters and policemen climbed through the window into my aunt’s house. What's taking them so long? HURRY UP! UHHHHHH! All of a sudden one of the cops comes into view, and my heart skips a beat as he approaches. “Hello ma’am, If we could talk to you over here for a moment.” “Ok,” she said. I couldn't help but wonder what they were talking about. Did she get kidnapped? She’s probably at Rons house.
  The sound of sobs pulled me from my thoughts back into reality. My mom was a mess, her face was a deep red, her eyes had tears pouring out of them like a fierce October rain, and a heart piercing cry coming from her soul. She approaches me and with a bearable audio voice ”sheees…...sheees…….”

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