The Day I Rescued Hope | Teen Ink

The Day I Rescued Hope

November 13, 2014
By SydneyPhill BRONZE, Franklin, Indiana
SydneyPhill BRONZE, Franklin, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was a warm sunny day and I was at my grandma’s house. It was too hot to stay outside for long so I came inside for can of Sprite out of the fridge. As soon as I started to open the can, my grandma called  “Sydney, come get Layla!”(Her one year old Yorkie).
“Coming!!” I ran as fast as I could because Layla could be hurt or hurting something else. When I came out I immediately grabbed Layla. Then I saw my grandma clutching a small bird in her hands.
“Did Layla attack that bird?”
“Yes, she was outside and then the next time I saw her she had this in her mouth.” my grandma explained. Luckily my grandma used to have birds so she had a bird cage that we could use for the little bird. “Sydney i believe she is some type of Sparrow, can you go look it up for me?”
“Of course,” I replied. “Mamaw it is a House Sparrow, and a female too!”
“Alright, well now she needs a name.”
“That is easy, how does Hope sound?”
I chose Hope because I really hoped that she would recover from this incident. To my relief  my grandma owns tons of bird feeders and so she had tons of bird seed, so we just used that for her food, and for water we used a little bird bowl. To my disbelief she was eating and drinking like normal. A week had past but she was still unable to fly. I tried to come over whenever I could, so everytime I would be there I would check on her and make sure she has fresh water and food. As I glanced into her
cage to check the water dish, I saw that it was filled with birdseed. “Hey, Hope I believe your water goes in there.” I teased. Hope would chirp and it would seem as though she was laughing at me. This has happened so many times because all I have to say to my grandma is “Hope has done it again.” and she would know what she did.
    It was the weekend and I decided to stay the night at my grandma’s house. I had just woke up the next morning and my grandma motioned me to come with her.
“Come here, Hope is doing something amazing.”
“What is she doing?” I asked still half-asleep.
“You are going to have to get up and look.”
“Alright.” I followed my grandma into the room in which Hope stayed. In that very moment my life changed forever. “She is flying!” I couldn't believe it she was actually using her wings!
“Yep she sure is flying.”
“Does that mean she can be released?”
“Sure does.”
I was so excited that we saved Hope, and now she can live a normal life and is not timid around humans. The next day we released her back in the wild. That day I was so happy for Hope, and also I was proud of myself because I just saved a life that could have been so easily ended. This point of time changed me forever and re-enforced my life-long dream of becoming a Veterinarian.

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