Foot Injury=Embarassed | Teen Ink

Foot Injury=Embarassed

December 5, 2014
By Anonymous

The weather was a little cold, but that is a good time to run. It makes you run faster because when it is chilly out you just want to be done and put your sweats back on, and when it is warm outside just makes you run a little slower and get a time you didn’t want. 
On one chilly Saturday, I twisted my ankle. The meet was at Ella Sharp Park. The sting of my foot hurt really badly. I twisted my foot before the race so that was not very smart.
Trying to run faster, when my coach would yell “Go a little faster” or going down a big hill was really hard because that really didn’t help the pain. It just made it hurt more but I did finish the race with the time of 23:44 and got 46th   place, which is really good considering I injured my foot and all.
When I hurt my foot, the girls team was laughing, not all of them, just the ones that were running at that time. I was also laughing but only because they were. I didn’t want to cry in front of my team, so I just went with it and laughed.
Their laughing hurt my feelings, and they were also acting it out, which didn’t make me feel any better. They were making fun of me, and that is not what a team is for; our coach wasn’t even there to see it happen.

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